Friday, November 28, 2014

Cranberry Crackle Tart—Tuesdays With Dorie—Baking Chez Moi

Cranberry Crackle Tart 11-27-14

I made our Tuesdays With Dorie recipe for Thanksgiving.  Normally we would post on Tuesdays, but since this one was so close to the holiday, we were given permission to post after the day.  The color is off on my photos as most of them were taken in a hurry while the tart was sitting at the dessert table.  I took a few at home right after it baked, too.    I should have taken more time for better photos because I loved the way the tart looked. 

Cranberry Crackle Tart in the oven

First I made the crust with Dorie’s Galette Dough (page 420 of Baking Chez Moi).  I made this dough twice over the holiday and love how it rolled out nicely and didn’t stick to the counter.  The tart was easy to make, it was just a meringue with cranberries folded in to it.  Some raspberry jam was spread on the bottom of the tart before added the meringue.  The tart is then baked low and slow for an hour and it had a great crackled top.  I admit to tasting one bite of the tart and I really liked it.  I could have easily eaten more of this tart, but didn’t for  my health’s sake.  Now for fun, I want to make cranberry meringue cookies with raw honey. 

Cranberry Crackle Tart slice

This was a perfect holiday tart and would be even better for Christmas, I think.  You are in luck, Dorie posted this recipe on her blog a couple years ago--Cranberry Crackle Tart.  I personally think if you like great baking, you should get Dorie’s book, Baking Chez Moi.  We won’t be posting recipes in the group and they won’t all be available online.  Add this book to your wish list if you don’t have it yet.


Karen said...

Your slice looks perfect! This was a surprisingly good recipe, wasn't it? P.S. Your photos look fine =)

Zosia said...

I loved the look of the tart as well - so pretty - and it tasted even better. I used the galette dough (and liked it) but I'll have to try the sweet tart dough at some point since it's received such good reviews.

Katrina said...

Zosia--I was wrong and it was the galette dough I used. Thanks for making me think of it. I corrected it in my post. I tried to leave you a comment on your blog and not sure it went through. Love your little tart!

Thanks, Karen!

Kayte said...

Looks good...but then after years of baking with you, I knew it would. :-) I like how your meringue kind of poofs over the whole thing...lots to love. I didn't stop at one bite. I did make a half-size one, however, as I know my track record with things like this (non-chocolate), I could easily talk myself into more than one piece. I agree, this would really be pretty at Christmas with these colors.

Chris H. said...

Your meringue looks great, and I think the tart looks terrific baked in a true tart shell.

Cakelaw said...

It was a beautiful tart, wasn't it. Glad you enjoyed it.

Cathleen | My Culinary Mission said...

Your tart looks wonderful. I love all the cracks across the top that yours has. And the photo of the slice looks good too.

Teresa said...

Looks great! I like that it worked so nicely in a tart pan. We'll be making this one again, too, because it was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

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