Tuesday, March 02, 2010

TWD—Toasted-Coconut Custard Tart

I wasn’t going to make this coconut custard tart this week.  It’s just been a crazy week.  For some reason, I just didn’t want to or think I was going to get to making the tart crust.   But I was making the Calypso Cookies that I recently posted about and out of nowhere, I decided to just stick some of the cookie dough in my two little individual tart pans.  I thought it sounded perfect, since the cookies have coconut, pecans and some dried pineapple.  The cookies are delicious, you need to try them!


Monday I whipped up 1/3 of the recipe for the custard (thanks to Nancy for her wonderful math and sharing it on the TWD P&Q’s!).  I left out the rum and added 1/2 teaspoon of pure coconut flavoring along with the vanilla.  I also left out the coriander, it’s too much of a savory spice for me.

The only thing that concerned me is that the custard thickened on the stove before it even had a chance to come to a boil.   I didn’t let it go too long past the thickening, but after it chilled in the fridge, it was really thick, like too thick, almost gummy.  I was worried that the custard was going to be eggy.

I mean, look at it, too thick and not really all that tasty looking.  Sigh.



I carried on and made the two tarts, then I served them for dessert to the boys, but I made the mistake of telling Kevin it was thick and kind of interesting and that I was worried about it.  So he wouldn’t even taste it.  Well, I think it was pretty good.  Our friends, Bob and Tes were visiting and Tes had some and said it was good.  Scott and Parker ate some, too.  So, I would consider this a success.  And I’m glad I participated in this week’s pick.  Thanks to Beryl of Cinemon Girl for a fun pick.  I’m always happy when I get to make something I haven’t made before.

I’m always proud when I can say that I also whipped the cream by hand (ok, I used a bowl and a whisk—ba dum dum).  It’s kind of fun and a nice little arm workout.  I threw a few chopped pecans on with the toasted coconut as well.


You can find the recipe on Beryl’s blog.  You can also check out all the other Coconut Custard Tarts in TWD Land.  Catch ya next time.




Bo said...

I love coconut...This really looks delicious.

Flourchild said...

I needed to add a topping like you did. I too,was super busy and lucky that I baked it! It was amazingly good! Im glad you enjoyed it, it looks great!

Susan said...

My custard also became super thick super fast, but I took it off the stove and whisked milk into it until it became more custard-like. Your little tarts look wonderful!

Paula said...

Can't believe you made this with all you have going on at your house. Your pictures are excellent and make me want some.

BTW, I think we would make a good pair. You get the cake and I'll take the pie. :-)

Lisa Ernst said...

This looks delicious! I've come to love coconut cream pies and tarts. The one I make has a chocolate ganache drizzle over it. The problem with your custard thickening too fast kind of reconfirms my theory about some authors not testing recipes adequately before they are published.

chocolatechic said...

I was lazy and purchased spray whipped cream.

Valerie Gamine said...

I'm glad you decided to make this one, it was surprisingly wonderful! Your tarts are adorable and I'm impressed by your ability to whip cream by hand. :D

vibi said...

Even without dense chocolate, fluffy marshmallow or runny caramel... this looks absolutely yummy!!! LOL

P.s.: had a good laugh at your comment last week! Thanks!

Amanda said...

Mine got thick pretty quick too, but I must have removed it in time because it didn't get gummy. Funny thing, you said Kevin wouldn't try it because you leaked some information before he had a chance too. I have basically gotten to the point with my family that I won't tell them any ingredients until they try it. LOL I also don't give them the name. Like for this one, i said it was a custard tart. LMAO

Anne said...

I never whip it by hand, but it would be a good way to work on my arm muscles! :) Your little tart looks so cute Katrina!

Unknown said...

I had the same problem with the custard - it looked WAY too thick before it even came to a boil so I wound up pulling it off early (perhaps a bit too early). Your tarts look lovely though and sounds like they were a hit with those who tried them!

spike. said...

my custard thickened quickly too. But I loved the flavor. You amaze me by fitting all of this baking into a busy week!

Gourmified said...

This looks so yummy! I don't have a tart pan so I didn't play along this time around. But that doesn't mean I'm not droooolllling over yours!

mike said...

How funny, we had the opposite results...! You were at least able to make a tart though! Looks great Katrina! Glad you were able to fit it into your busy schedule!

Mary Ann said...

I think it looks fabulous.
I love it when I can sub in already made cookie dough for tart crusts. This cookie crust sounds like it was the perfect match for the tarT!

Shari said...

Wow! What an amazing looking tart! The crust looks soooo flaky!!

Anonymous said...

Thick or not I am impressed you got to it this week (and whipped cream by hand, too!)

Megan said...

That looks so good - I just got home from work and really could go for one of those right now.

Carla said...

Great idea with the cookie dough! It looks amazing. My custard thickened quickly too. One minute it was boiling. Then I looked away for 5 seconds and boom it's super thick. Fortunately I didn't overdo it. And my mom is the same way - if I tell her an ingredient beforehand, she won't eat it, so I couldn't tell her there was rum lol

Anonymous said...

It looks great! Very good idea to save some time and use cookie dough for the crust. That's funny that your husband wouldn't eat it - I've scared mine away with some of my overly-concerned comments.

TeaLady said...

So yours really WAS a Pina Colada tart. Have to try those cookies. They look and sound delicious.

Mimi said...

I'm impressed that you whipped your cream without a mixer! Your tart looks perfectly delicious.

Emily said...

KEVIN. Tsk, tsk. You need to be more open minded! :)

These tarts look really good. I'm loving coconut lately.

Jessica said...

I am so impressed that you whipped the cream by hand. I mean, I know it's very possible, but I'm super lazy when it comes to things like that. Way to show some girl power! I love the nuts sprinkled over the top along with the coconut -- it's so pretty.

AmyRuth said...

Wow... what a trooper. Whisking whipped cream by hand. Nice work. glad you enjoyed. Hope the house selling is going well.

Holly said...

Although I don't like coconut this still looks good!
I just came across your blog and it was the name that caught my attention;) I have 3 boys myself! 1 girl and another on the way...Whew!
Anyway I would love for you to come by our blog and see what you think:) I'm adding myself to yours;)

Bella Baker said...

yum!! I think it looks like it came out perfect and not too thick at all! And that cookie crust sounds beyond amazing!!! You are a genius!!!

LillSis said...

OMG! I just CANNOT say no to coconut! And that crust looks amazing!

Maria said...

I love coconut and this looks like one delicious dessert!

Cathy said...

You always do such fun things - love the cookie crust here! I find custard has a mind of it's own. Glad this was a hit!

Liz said...

Whipped the cream by hand?! You go, superwoman.

And I agree- the pastry cream as written is ridiculously stiff. I cut the cornstarch in half and I STILL thought it was too thick. I usually fold in some whipped cream to lighten it.

Kathleen said...

Your tarts look absolutely perfect!

Kayte said...

Your little tarts look so good, you did such a great job with all of this. I need practice on the custard setting up for this as my custard set fine but then when I put it in the tart it went limp as it sat. Have no idea...maybe my frig? Not sure. Anyway, yours look great.

Judy said...

My mouth is watering for coconut custard pie or tart. I don't have individual tart pans, but now I want to go out and buy some.

Kerstin said...

Mmm, your tart looks perfect - the thick layers are right up my alley!

Lisa said...

Coconut custard pie was a family fav when I was growing up but it never looked like that! OMG, Katrina, your crust looks melt in your mouth and the filling and topping os perfection. You so rocked Dorie's recipe!

Audrey Rose said...

Audrey's mom has whipped cream manually before (bowl and whisk) and applauds you for your effort. It is not easy! This looks fabulous.

Eliana said...

Your tart is one of the heartiest I have seen of all the other TWD bakers. I absolutely love it.

Unknown said...

Great idea to use the cookies instead!! The tart looks really rich!!

brian said...


i want to make this i love coconut!

g63646754@gmail.com said...

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