Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Very Random Post Because I'm a Little Behind and Some Blogger Linky Love


Lil' Smokies Mummies--the boys loved these.  Lil' Smokies sausages and Pillsbury crescent rolls cut into thin strips.  Spooky eyes those mummies!  Wait a second, those aren't mummies, those are babies wrapped in swaddling clothes.  No.  Okay, they're mummies.

And I made mummy pizza for dinner tonight.


Used string cheese for the cheese.  Guess what Parker wants to be for Halloween?  Yep, a mummy.  I don't know if I can get the string cheese to wrap all the way around him.  Hmm, Pillsbury crescent rolls?  No.  Well, ya'll are no fun.  I'll have to see what else we can come up with! ;)  Okay, moving on.

I didn't take any photos, but I made this delicious Black Bean and Sweet Corn Soup with Cilantro and Lime that I found at Maria's blog, Two Peas and their Pod.  It was SO good.  I cut her recipe in half and added some chopped chicken for a little added protein.  I even made homemade tortilla strips as Maria suggested.  Love them.  Great recipe.

I also made a yummy Sweet Potato and Peanut Butter Soup from Nick's blog, The Peanut Butter Boy.  It's a thick soup and I even added an extra cup of chicken broth, but it also makes a great sauce for pasta.  I enjoyed on top of some spaghetti squash and with some sauteed spinach stirred in.  Good stuff--the peanut butter in it was awesome!




Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Spread (Nutella), recipe from Holly at Phe/MOM/enon, which she got from a Gale Gand book.  This is so good!  It "hardens" up a little a few days after making it, but is still spreadable.  It has a little bit stronger hazelnut flavor, but it's good.  If you love Nutella, you've gotta try this.



Taylor's birthday.  Believe it or not, I didn't post very many pictures from his actual  birthday.  He wanted to make his own cake--chocolate, and decorate it.  And decorate it he did!  I let him go to town with the sprinkles!


We  made the ever popular and simple Crazy Cake.  Where did I originally get this recipe?  None other than--Anna at Cookie Madness.  It's made right in the baking pan. 


I let him do this last year, too.  Whatever holiday sprinkles I had, he sprinkled them.  You're only 6 once, so live it up!




I love this next picture.  Parker found a couple of cool rocks at school.  He decided to wrap them up and give them to Taylor for his birthday.  He worked so hard on the "card" he made to wrap them in and give them to him and was so excited.  That's true brotherly love.







Another birthday--over.


These are some really good Blue Cornmeal Pancakes I made recently.  I got the recipe from Marye at Baking Delights.  She made hers with blueberries.  I did not.  But these are good.  Guess where the recipe is from?  Mesa Grill's Cookbook.  Marye added lemon zest.  So did I.  These were good pancakes.



This little stinker.  He was being awfully quiet the other day.  Never a good sign.  He got Kevin's laptop off the floor near the bed, got up on the bed and was working on something very important, just like Daddy does!



If that's not the look of a Little Stinker, I don't know what is!


He's starting to not like me taking so many pictures of him, especially when he's "in trouble".  Love this little stinker!


Hang on, I'm almost done.  For now.

My friend April came to visit and brought me these awesome cookies.  The boys gobbled them up!  April has many talents, one of which is cake and cookie decorating.  I thought these were awesome!  Thanks, April.


When April brought me those cookies, another friend of mine,  Meagan, came with her.  Meagan has a fun blog called Domestic Wonder.  She brought me some cookies, too.  They are good and different.  They are made with a spice cake mix.  I've made cake mix cookies before--chocolate and yellow cake mixes.  But I'd have never thought to try spice cake.  Check out the recipe on her blog.  She also posts other recipes and lots of fun, cute, easy ideas of crafts and activities to do with kids.  She has a cute little boy who is two and another one on the way!  Thanks for the cookies, Meagan!



Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Wow, you've been busy! Dying to try the homemade nutella. Happy b day to your son...such cute pictures.

Fallon said...

I have an empty mason jar and I think the homemade nutella needs to be in that jar very soon. Doesn't seem like it has much sugar added beside the 2 tbsp of powdered sugar and whatever is in the chocolate. MMMMM amazing recipe to share. Thank you!

Chocolaty Lifestyle said...

I have never thought about home-made Nutella! Can't wait to try that! :)

Alicia said...

Oh my goodness! Have you left the kitchen?? Everything looks so delicious!! Thank you for posting!!

Unplanned Cooking said...

Love those treats! What are the eyes made out of on the pizza? Olives? Great idea.

Kerstin said...

Those little mummy pizzas are so adorable! Happy Birthday to Taylor, he did a great job with his cake :)

Kayte said...

This was such a great post, I feel like I just dropped by for a cup of tea and a visit and got caught up with a neighbor! Happy belated birthday, of course, and that cake is so wonderful...LOVE all the sprinkles. You are such a great MOM. All the food on here always looks so special and wonderful...leave it to you to come up with mummies!

Risa said...

You have so many wonderful treats with this post! I love all the special things you made for Halloween. I am definitely going to try the homemade nutella.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks awesome. Love the mummies.

Maria said...

You are always in the kitchen. I love all of your creations!

Megan said...

Sheesh - I'm gone for a few days and look at what you've been up to! So much stuff - I can't keep up.

I wish I could get my pancakes to look as perfect as those do. Do you have a regular recipe for buttermilk pancakes? Because mine just aren't cutting it. They tend to come out gummy.

Love Taylor's birthday cake - a sous chef in the making!

Valerie said...

I especially love those little mummy pizzas. Cute! And you have some very nice friends bringing those great cookies to you. Those spider cookies are majorly adorable!!

Amanda said...

Wow what a post! Love everything, your son's cake is great. I love letting them decorate on their own. Mine are all growing up too fast :(

Anna said...

Those mummies are so cute!

Fuzz's class didn't have the usual "Fall Party" in Friday. Instead, they made treats. The one she talked about the most was "Boogers on a Stick". The kids put Easy Cheese (the canned stuff) on a plate, dyed it green, then dipped pretzel rods into it and shaped the green cheese into balls. Fuzz said she ate 4 of them.

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