Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween Oreo Caramel Rice Krispies Treats


Really, need I say more?  Rice Krispies Treats with a thin Oreo cookie layer on the bottom, Halloween Oreos broken up and mixed in the treats, a layer of gooey caramel with a chocolate ganache on top--Halloween Oreo Caramel Rice Krispies Treats!

I feel like these didn't photograph as well as the Heavenly Chocolate Caramel Rice Krispies Treats I recently made and posted, but if you like Oreos, these are awesome!  These, as well as the others, seem so rich to me that just a small cut square is a perfect bite (or two).  And then, try not to snitch a little more.  To me, these are like having a Fun Size candy bar and they are SO good!  I'm just going to say--play around with the Rice Krispies Treat recipe, you'll be surprised and amazed and how many good and different options there are for them.  They are one of my favorite goodies to make--and so easy--no baking required.  You could leave off the caramel and chocolate ganache and just add Oreos to the Rice Krispies, but dang, that caramel is good!

I like these refrigerated, the caramel is still gooey, but more set, but I also love when they are room temperature and the caramel is more ooey gooey!  You decide.  Wanna know what I did to make these?  Okay.

Halloween Oreo Caramel Rice Krispies Treats, by Katrina, Baking and Boys!

10 Oreo cookies

2 tablespoons butter, melted

9 ounces marshmallows

3 tablespoons unsalted butter

4 ounces (4-5 cups) Rice Krispies Cereal

7 Oreo cookies, roughly chopped

24 caramel candies, unwrapped (duh!)

1/4 cup cream

6 ounces semi sweet chocolate chips

4 tablespoons cream

More Oreo cookies for top (4-6), broken up or chopped

Line a 9x9 inch pan with foil.  Spray lightly with cooking spray.  Set aside.

In bowl of food processor, grind Oreos finely.  Add melted butter and combine together.  Sprinkle into pan and flatten evenly.  Set aside.

Melt marshmallow and butter in large saucepan or microwave safe bowl and stir until combined well.  Add cereal and mix well.  Fold in the 7 chopped cookies.  Spread in pan over Oreo layer.  Press down evenly using a potato masher sprayed with cooking spray--works great! 

In small saucepan, melt caramels and cream together until smooth and gooey.  Pour over Rice Krispies.  In small microwaveable bowl (or small saucepan), heat cream to just boiling.  Pour over chocolate chips in a heat proof bowl.  Let sit for a minute, then stir with a wire whisk until smooth and glossy.  Spread over caramel layer.  Sprinkle with broken/chopped Oreos.  Put in refrigerator until chocolate layer is hardened and set.  Remove from pan using foil edges.  Cut into desired size pieces.


These are as good as you are thinking! 

Oh, I meant to tell you the reason I decided to do an Oreo crust on the bottom of these.  The day I made them, I received this----in the mail.


I received this fun, cute 4-cup food processor from Cuisinart.  When I attended the Food BlogHer Conference last month in San Francisco, they gave us a coupon for one of these food processors!  How cool is that?  I was excited to try it out and had to grind up some Oreos!  I like that it is small, sometimes I just don't need to get out my big processor.  Thanks, Cuisinart and BlogHer!



Anonymous said...

MMMMM That's right tempt the newly pregnant woman lol. YUM!

Selina said...

so creative! I just bought a bag of the Halloween Oreos yesterday, now I know exactly what to do with them. Thank you so much for sharing! :)

Chocolaty Lifestyle said...

I guess the combination of all these goodneses should be just.. excellent!! :)

♥peachkins♥ said...

That's very cool and these rice krispies treat? great for halloween!!

Lisa Ernst said...

These are so colorful, and the addition of chocolate ganache on top (along with the caramel) just really puts these over the top, in a good way! Your creations always look so tempting.

Nick said...

That looks like a mashup of deliciousness. Coupon for a free food processor? If only I was a woman...

The Food Librarian said...

I did such a happy dance when I got my Cuisinart! I made guac right away! And every time I use it, I'll totally remember meeting you at BlogHer! This treat is sugar overload...just what the kids like! :)

Kate said...

Ooooo a 4 cup version, very nice. I've loved my 2 cup one, but it sure would be nice to have one that's a little bigger.

Those treats look fantastic!! Yummy.

Alicia said...

these look incredible! yum!!

Donna-FFW said...

What a fantastic Halloween treat. I love the bright coloring and I think your photo is just gorgeous!

Mimi said...

Very colorful. The chocolate and carmamel are a great addition to Oreo Rice Krispies Treats.

Rachel said...

um YUM!! You totally had me at Oreo crust! And these are super cute, too.t

Kerstin said...

Oh wow, these look amazing, I love the layer of caramel! YUM!

♥peachkins♥ said...

Oh those are cute mummies! Great idea for the mummy pizza...

And I looove those colorful cadles!

Anonymous said...

These do look like a candy bar, but even better! The little food processor is so cool! Mine is so darn heavy that I have to think twice about hauling it out.

Anonymous said...

Your boys are sooo cute!!
What a great post but all I can remember besides your cute boys are the pancakes! I LOVE pancakes and yours looks perfectly delicious!!

Anonymous said...

Your crispy treats look delicious and fun!

Clumbsy Cookie said...

That's a cute food processor, but hey Katrna I'm here for the rice krispies treats!!!!!!!!! That caramel just kills me!!!!!!

National Cookie Network said...

Diet? What diet???

Have GOT to try these! I have a weak spot for Oreos. They're the only store bought cookies I like.


Jean Badgley said...

I hear it is your birthday!!! Hope you have a LOVELY LOVELY day...

AnickH said...

Im always looking for new ways to make rice krispy trears. and it definitly cant get cooler than "Halloween Oreo Caramel Rice Krispies Treats." It'd even be cute w/ the red frosting christmas oreos for "Christmas Oreo Caramel Rice Krispies Treats"

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

Those are some extra delicious looking rice krispy treats!!

Katherine Martinelli said...

Ooooh this looks just sinful! I love it! Thanks for linking up to my Halloween blog hop :-)

Reiley said...

We were super excited to try out your recipe after seeing it on Pintrest. When we went to go shopping though, we weren't entirely sure which cream to use. If anyone has any ideas, please post! :) But thanks so much for giving us this great recipe for a chilly October day!

Katrina said...

Reiley, thanks! The cream I always buy says "heavy whipping cream" on it.

Steph said...

I have made this twice now! It is so fun to make, all ewwy and gooey. It is a party favorite!

Megan Harmon said...

What kind of cream is used?? and how many servings i am making these for a party

Katrina said...

Megan, the cream I use says "heavy whipping cream". The treats are made in a 9x9 pan, which makes about 16 bars, especially since they are so sweet, they don't need to be very big.

theshee said...

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Anonymous said...

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