Tuesday, May 19, 2009

TWD--Fresh Mango Bread

"Sammie, make a silly face."


That's peanut butter on the face.


I've probably said this before, but could he be one drop cuter?  I don't think so!  Okay, TWD--coming up!


I seriously can't believe how fast these week's are just flying by!  Didn't I just say the boys only have about a month of school left?  We're down to only one week left now!  We'll here we are with another Tuesday's With Dorie as well. 

Kelly from Baking With the Boys (whose blog is hilarious and why would I not like it--a busy mom baking with the boys?!) chose our recipe this week and she picked Fresh Mango Bread on page 45 of Dorie Greenspan's Baking From My Home to Yours.  I had never heard of mango bread nor would I have ever thought of putting fresh mango in a quick bread.  After looking over the recipe, I decided to change it up a bit and make it healthier.  I was also going to make the exact recipe and compare the two.  But after making the healthier version first, and time getting away from me, I never did make Dorie's exact recipe.  BUT--that was okay, because the bread was good even with all the changes I made.  I can only imagine the full fat, less healthy version was even better! ;) 


Here is the recipe as I made it.

Mango Bread, adapted from Dorie Greenspan's Baking From My Home To Yours

1/3 cup Egg Beaters Egg Whites

1/4 cup Egg Beaters with a touch of yolk

1/2 cup Greek Non Fat Plain Yogurt

1/4 cup canola oil

1/4 cup skim milk

3/4 cup evaporated cane juice sugar

1/4 cup agave nectar

2  1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1  1/2 teaspoons ground ginger

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoons salt

1/2 cup raisins

1/2 cup pecans, toasted and chopped

2 cups diced mango

(I forgot the lime zest-darn it!)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  While oven is preheating, spread the pecans on a baking sheet and put them in the oven.  When it is done preheating, they are toasted! (My oven beeps when it is done preheating, so I know that is my cue to remove the nuts.)  Butter an 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan, dust the inside with flour and tap out the excess.  Place loaf pan on insulated baking sheet.  Set aside.

In medium sized bowl, whisk together the eggs, oil, yogurt, milk and agave nectar.   In another bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt, ginger and cinnamon.  Pour the wet ingredients over the dry and with a wooden spoon, mix until blended.  Stir in the mango, raisins, nuts and zest.  Scrape the batter into the pan and smooth the top.

Bake for 1  1/2 hours (I forgot to note how long mine took, seems like it was somewhere closer to 1 hour.)  Bake until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.  Transfer the pan to a rack and cool for 5  minutes before running a knife around the sides of the pan and unmolding.  Invert and cool to room temperature right side up on the rack. 


What's up with the mango being "hairy"?  I didn't read the P&Q's, so maybe that was addressed.  Oh well, it tasted good.  I was happy with my healthier version as I felt better eating more of it.  After I made this over two weeks ago, I froze half the loaf.  I got it out of the freezer to share with some people and to see how it was after being frozen and thawed.


Thanks for the fun and different pick, Kelly.  Will I ever make mango bread again.  Weelllll, probably not, because though I liked it, I would rather eat a mango fresh or in a salsa or fruit salad or something and would rather have my quick bread have banana!  (Remember, I did like this though.) ;)  Check out the other TWD bloggers mango bread!   Can't wait for the brownies next week! ;)


Morning hair--gotta love it!


The picture just doesn't even do it justice.  And yes, mother, it's time for another trim--just a little bit off the top! ;)


Anne Marie said...

Your kids are just adorable! I love Sammy's face in these pics. That mango bread looks so tasty. I loved those pig cookies too (great tribute to your niece...that's so sad). Happy (belated) Mother's Day to you!

AmyRuth said...

Is there a correlation between darling little boys with "morning" curly hair and mango bread? There must be he he he I love your adaptation. I'm so goofy, I usually like to make according to Dorie so that I can experience her original intent. Then vary it. You are so smart you knew right away what to do. Impressive.
Look delish!

Eliana said...

Your cake looks great. But not better than your cute kids. I wish my hair looked half as good as theirs when I got out of bed.

What's for Supper? said...

Your kids are too cute! Love that hair.

Teanna said...

Your kids are ADORABLE!!! I love your healthy version! I LOVED LOVE LOVED this bread and I need a healthier version of it so I don't feel guilty when I eat the whole thing in one sitting!

Anne said...

Cute little boys! I love the changes you made. Now what are you going to do for next week? There's more butter than I can even look at in that recipe....

Maria said...

Love the photos, the hair is awesome:) I love that you used the raisins. I love my raisins!

Megan said...

Awww - let the hair grow! After all, summer's coming and he can be a beach boy!

Nice changes on the bread - too bad I ate all the mango!

Soy*Baby said...

The bread looks great. Way to make it healthier. Your kids are darling and please don't cut the curls. Too cute.

Banjo said...

Amen for the healthier version, I generally go for the egg beaters and you would never know the difference! Looks lovely, well done. :)

chocolatechic said...

He is just way to cute for words!!!

I didn't add raisins to this, and I chopped my mango up really fine.

Yours looks fabulous.

pinkstripes said...

How cute! I love the pics of your son. Your loaf looks fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I love mango fresh too but this bread was really yummy and your healthy version looks great!

Jennifer said...

Aw, I wish my morning bed head looked half as cute!

Your healthified bread sounds really good.

vibi said...

No wonder these kids are su cute in the morning! ...they have this fabulous mango bread to wake up to! AH! ha! Now... I know your secret! LOL

steph- whisk/spoon said...

he certainly is a cutie! and the bread's not bad looking either! great job on your healthy mango bread!

Anonymous said...

this bread sound so healthy and delicious! sammie is the most adorable kid ever!!

Cathy said...

Oooooooh your little darling is precious! I absolutely love how you improved the health quotient here. I definitely need to try some of your modifications, because I really liked this and just can't eat the full fat version as often as I'd like to!

Elyse said...

Nope, I don't think Sammie could be a drop cuter; he's cute to the max! What a precious little guy he is! And your mango bread looks great, too. I really like your healthed-up version; I like when I can eat "more" of something! (Oh, and I can't believe the boys only have a week left. Any big plans for them this summer, or is it Camp Mom??)

Pamela said...

Ugh...I just can not believe how BIG and CUTE that boy is!! Thanks for always sharing your pictures! And only 1 week of school left? I'm guessing you've got lots planned for the summer. Nice job on the bread. It's nice to see a lighter version.

Jaime said...

great job - i love that you made it healthier. i believe the hairy mango is from being a bit over ripe

Nancy/n.o.e said...

You really did improve the health quotient of this one. I bet I'd like your version as much or better than Dorie's (shh, don't tell). And you know the hairiness was addressed in the p&q, as well as the raisins, lol.

Becky said...

I'm reading your post, giggling at the cute Sammy curls, thinking huh mango bread, then I catch a glimpse of the "hairy" mango and then read your comment about why they had to look so hairy. I'm so glad I'm not the only warped one thinking weird, gross thoughts about sweet and delish mangos. But seriously why do they have to look so hairy?

Mermaid Sews said...

Ohhhhh soooo cute - I want one! The bread looks good too!

Anonymous said...

Your bread looks great but your cute kids steal the show!

noble pig said...

I just want to squeeze your kids to death they are so cute! And that bread, I love it.

Shari said...

This looks absolutely perfect! Great job!! (Your little guy's hair is much cuter than the "hairy" mango!)

Hindy said...

I love your healthy version! I'm going to find those ingredients and try your version.
Looks delicious!

TeaLady said...

Cutie Kiddo. Great looking bread!! AND healthy. I thought I was doing good to just use Splenda instead of sugar.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Looks like your lighter version worked out really well! What a cute little stinker! :) Those curls do not need to be cut!

Liz said...

In answer to your question, no, your son could NOT be any cuter. He is such a doll! And oh yeah, the bread looks great too. :)

PheMom said...

How seriously cute! And those curls are darling!

Oh, did you want me to say something about the bread? I was too blinded by the cuteness to comment. ;) Your bread looks pretty great too!

foodcreate said...

Your Mango Bread:) LOve it!
Looks so tasteful! Healthy!

Anonymous said...

Morning hair...precious. And there really is nothing better than a ripe fresh mango. but I am glad you baked along with me this week. Looks like we were on the same page as far as lightening it up.

Carla said...

lmao hairy mango?? Err maybe it was the way you cut it? Although how can you cut it other than into cubes? Hmmm

I'm with you. It's good bread, but I would probably use the mango for something other than bread.

Nutrition Momma said...

Mango bread yummy! I love sammy's curls! What fun. They grow way to fast. I've never even met him in person. Hopefully before long you will all get to actually come all the way to Utah!

Engineer Baker said...

Adorable kids, delicious looking bread - winner all around!

Clumbsy Cookie said...

I've seen this bread around on all the TWDers and it looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

RE: your "hairy" mangoes
Living in Miami, FL, I can tell you there are many types of mangoes, some stringier than others.

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