Saturday, July 20, 2013

Perfect Kale Chips

Perfect Kale Chips 2

I’ve always liked kale chips since trying them a few years back.  I even posted a recipe for some two years ago.  But today I tried baking them a new way and love them much more.  I feel bad because I saw this recently on a Facebook post from somewhere and can’t for the life of me remember where.  So there is a source out there that I’d give credit to if I could remember who it was.  I’ll be sharing the recipe as I made them here, but it’s the method I read about that I like.

You’ll never feel left out again when people around you are eating potato chips and you don’t have anything to munch on.  These are the answer.  Make them.  They are crunchy and a little bit salty, but they aren’t fried food with high carbs—it’s kale—a superfood.  They are so good and so good for you!

So easy to make—just tear the kale in to pieces—1-2 inches in size.  Wash them and spin them dry in a salad spinner.  Lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet, spray with a little non-aerosol olive oil spray, sprinkle with a little salt and pepper and some parmesan (my favorite topping, but you can use endless spices and herbs).  Have the oven already preheated to 425 degrees F.  When you put them in the oven, turn it off and let them sit for 12-15 minutes.  I thought they were perfect at 14 minutes.  They were more light and perfect than the way I’ve made them before (in my other post), with no burned pieces.  A perfect, healthy treat, or side to your lunch, or as I made them—they were my lunch along with some fruit.

Kale ready to bake into chips

Perfect Kale Chips, by Katrina, Baking and Boys!

1 bunch of kale, washed and dried, stems removed, torn into 1-2 inch pieces

salt and pepper to taste

1-2 tablespoons parmesan cheese, finely grated

*olive oil non-aerosol spray

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  Wash and dry kale (salad spinner works best).  Remove stems and tear into 1-2 inch pieces.  Spread kale evenly on a baking sheet.  Spray with olive oil (*or lightly drizzle and mix with hands to make sure all pieces get oil).  Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then parmesan cheese.

Put baking sheet in oven and turn oven off.  Let kale bake for 12-15 minutes (Mine was perfect in 14 minutes).  Let sit on baking sheet to cool slightly for a few minutes. Carefully scrape kale into a dish and serve.  Try not to eat it all in one sitting, but if you do—there is no guilt!

Baked Perfect Kale Chips

When they come out of the oven, they will look shriveled up, never fear, they are crispy and perfect. 

Kale Chips (425 then oven off for 14 min.)

You’ll even fight over them with your kids.  Two of my four boys really like them.  The other two won’t even try them.  If you’ve never tried kale chips, you need to as soon as possible! ;)


April said...

My daughter has been asking me to make some of these, thanks for the recipe.

Granny Jacque said...

I enjoyed the kale you made for me a couple of years ago. I will have to try this way except not in the summer. I don't like turning on the oven! Kale here is rather expensive. I guess I should see if I can grow it. I think the cabbage moth may love it also though.

Love you....MOM

Lisa Ernst said...

I've wanted to try these for a long time. Can't bring myself to spend $6 for a two serving bag from the store! I'll bookmark your recipe and use it, looks really easy.

vanillasugarblog said...

I NEED to get on this!


Jersey Girl Cooks said...

I love these and have eaten a whole pan myself. Of course I then had a stomach

Chaya said...

These are easy to make and I bet they are a delicious snack. I want to find out for myself.

Veronica Miller said...

What a cool method! Been way too long since I enjoyed kale chips, and never with parm on them, so I'm pinning this to try next time!

Mike said...

I have wanted to make these. Thanks for the instructions.

Nutmeg nanny said...

I love kale chips :) yours look wonderful!

PJ Smith said...

Just as I remember it! Love you.