Monday, March 11, 2013

Almond (Amaretti) Cookies (Gluten Free)—Group B, Secret Recipe Club

Amaretti Cookies

On Sunday, I had a little time and was making cookies.   After making two different kind, I saw my friend, Suzanne mention on the Secret Recipe Club Facebook page that they needed someone to fill-in for a blog posting today.  I’m always up for “playing” with other groups in the club and helping out when they need an extra baker/cook.  So I scoured the blog I was assigned, Dee’s blog, OnTheMove-In The Galley and instantly had heck of a time deciding what to make.  This blog is full of delicious food.  I don’t know her whole “story”, but right now she lives on a boat and cooks and bakes there.  She has lots of salmon recipes, including this Barbecued Salmon that I wish I could have made for this post.  Still plan to make it sometime.  Check out her blog, so much good food!

Since I was already baking cookies, I made more.  I made these Almond Cookies, which are like Amaretti Cookies.  I’ve always wanted to try making amaretti cookies.  They are kind of like an extra crunchy French macaron.  Dee mentioned how hers were a little chewy in the middle on the first day, but the next day or two they were crunchy throughout—but she still liked them.  As I write this on the day I made them, they are a little chewy in the middle, but mostly crunchy.  I love the almond flavor.  These are a perfect little cookie treat.  The only fat is a natural fat for the almond meal.  Can’t beat that.  I will make these again for sure.  I like having something I feel I can nibble on when I make other goodies for everyone else that I don’t eat since they aren’t as healthy.  Hey, I just realized these cookies are gluten free!

Amaretti Cookies 2

Check out the link for the Almond Cookies above on Dee’s blog for the recipe, I didn’t change anything.  She added a sliced almond or chocolate chip to the tops of hers before they baked, which sounds great.  I didn’t do that this time.  And I cut the recipe in to thirds because I ended up not having as much almond meal left as I’d thought.  I was proud of myself for the math I did to figure that out! ;)  It’s the little things for me sometimes, people.  Still with 1/3 of the recipe, I got 16 cookies.  Love them!

Almond Cookies 3-10-13

In more of my “snooping” around her blog, (Would love to know more of the story about why she currently lives on a boat, since I didn’t have time to read back to the beginning and through her entire blog, but it is such a great blog and quite the intriguing life.)  But in my search for inspiration of what to have for dinner last night, I found this Balsamic Chicken Caesar Salad and was inspired to try it, especially when I remembered some cooked chicken I had in the freezer.  I did a quick thaw of the chicken, reheated/sauteed it a bit, prepared the dressing and a salad and Kevin and I had it for dinner (while I fed the boys hot dogs).  After mixing the dressing, which is olive oil, Greek yogurt, balsamic vinegar, garlic and parmesan (similar to Caesar, but lighter since nonfat Greek yogurt is used instead of a mayo or egg yolks), I knew the second I added the balsamic vinegar that it wasn’t going to be a very pretty color.  Worst part was I have some white balsamic vinegar and should have used it, I even thought of doing so before adding the black vinegar, but in the end, I didn’t.  I think the dressing and salad would have looked so much better.  Oh well—the taste is what mattered and it certainly tasted great!  The veggies I added to our salad weren’t the same as the one Dee used, but I don’t think that made it too different, since the dressing and the chicken were the “stars”.  See the not-so-pretty, but ever-so-tasty brown dressing?  Our salad had red, orange and yellow sweet peppers, some cucumber, tomatoes, carrot and croutons, along with the chicken and romaine lettuce.

Group B March SRC 3-10-13

Once again, so glad I got to “play” with Group B in the Secret Recipe Club.  (I’m officially in Group A.)  Check out all the other posts for Group B below.


Cookin' Canuck said...

I love amaretti cookies. These looks so tender and beyond tempting!

SeattleDee said...

I'm giggling at being renamed Mercedes when I'm really SeattleDee, but am truly delighted that you adopted me as an orphan this month. Your post was a treat to read and you picked out one of my favorite sweet bites to highlight.

Kathy Walker said...

Amaretti cookies...heaven!! These sound wonderful and if I made the salad and had the cookies for dessert it would be a perfect evening!

Unknown said...

They look so tasty! Great SRC choice!

Unknown said...

These look delicious--and I'm always up for a new cookie to try. Thanks for rescuing a Group B orphan. :)

Miz Helen said...

Hi Katrina,
You are always so sweet to jump right in and help out with a post for any of the groups on the SRC. These Almond Cookies look delicious.
Thanks for helping out and presenting a great recipe!
Miz Helen

Kristin @Dizzy Busy and Hungry said...

The cookies look so tasty! I love cookies with a good crunch. Also thought the salad looked good despite the darker dressing. It looks so fresh!

Cindy said...

To yummy foods. My daughter just found out shee is gluten free--I'll make these cookies for her next time they visit.

Unknown said...

I am italian and love amaretti cookies, have not had them in years need to try these

shelley c. said...

Those cookies look delicious - like a nice, crispy bite of yumminess. And good job on the math to divide the recipe LOL. That salad looks yummy, too. Thanks for stepping up for group B :)

Lisa~~ said...

I love amaretti cookies and buy them at whole foods all the time...need to make them though, but they're even more delicious.

Anonymous said...

I made these yesterday and the taste was great but they didn't puff up. I bought almond meal at the bulk bin at my co-op. Do I need to use almond flour instead? My two boys loved them when I added mini chips:):)
Lisa C.

Katrina said...

Lisa C.,mine says Almond Flour and is from the Oh! Nuts company. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make, I thought Dee's recipes (on my SRC blog) said you could use almond flour or almond meal. Glad your kids like them!

SeattleDee said...

Lisa C. - too much liquid may be the culprit. I discovered today that using extra large eggs (or the equivalent from a carton) can produce flat cookies.

Anonymous said...

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