Saturday, November 20, 2010

Apple Strudel Pockets and a Pillsbury Giveaway

A couple months ago (almost), at the height of apple picking season, I agreed to do a post, review and giveaway from My Blog Spark and Pillsbury for their ready-made pie crusts.  But I had neglected to send them my new address and to my dismay, they shipped a package to me at our old address in Kansas.  Oops.


Well, I was lucky enough to be shipped a new package so I could try out Pillsbury's pie crust, receive some other fun goodies, make something yummy with apples and pie crust, share it with you and give away some of those same goodies!  I think that’s pretty cool.


So here’s the deal.  I had never used Pillsbury’s pie crusts before.  I make my own.  BUT, I was happy to try their crust, so I made some great Apple Strudel Pockets with some sweet Golden Delicious apples I’d picked right from the grocery store.  (I really am bummed that I didn’t make it to an orchard, we are for sure going to do that next year!)  Now is the time of year where you CAN get some great apples in your grocery stores, and maybe still at your local fruit stands.  And now is definitely the time of year that you NEED to be baking up some yummy desserts with apples!  I have recently made two different apple pies, so with the Pillsbury crust, I wanted to do something different. I’ve been seeing lots of different blogs posting their versions of homemade Pop Tarts and the like and decided that is what I wanted to do.


These are so light and flaky and easy to make.  They aren’t really like Pop Tarts, but more like Toaster Strudels.  I just made up the apple filling.  And I spooned a little glaze over them.  They are really good!



I would totally make these again and I have decided that I need to keep a box of Pillsbury pie crusts in my freezer for certain things!  I had fun with scraps of the dough and made some mini sized ones that were like apple filled ravioli.  I think making a bunch of the smaller ones would be a great mini dessert for a party.  They boys liked these, the husband ate one or two and I liked them a lot (enough to convince myself they weren’t here so I didn’t eat too many)!  Here’s what I did to make them.

Apple Strudel Pockets, by Katrina, Baking and Boys!

1 box Pillsbury ready-made pie crusts, thawed

2 apples of choice (I used Golden Delicious), peeled, quartered, then grated

3 tablespoons unsalted butter

4-6 tablespoons brown sugar (to taste, I started with 4 and ended up adding more)

1/4-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (to taste)

Powdered Sugar Glaze-

1 cup powdered sugar

pinch of salt

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons milk (or to desired consistency)

Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.  Set aside.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Peel, quarter and grate the apples.  Put the butter in a medium sized saucepan and melt over medium heat, once it has stopped bubbling, add the brown sugar.  Let the mixture caramelize a bit.  Add the apples and cook for about ten minutes.  About halfway through the cook time, add the cinnamon.  Set aside to cool while you roll out the dough.

Unroll one pie crust.  Cut edges so it is a square.  Roll out to flatten a bit and to smooth together any holes in the dough.  Cut into desired sized squares/rectangles using a pastry wheel or pizza cutter.  Spoon some of the apple filling onto every other shape of dough, not too much, leaving about a half inch border around the edges.  “Paint” water around the edge of the dough with a pastry brush or your finger.  Lay a matching-sized piece of dough over each one.   Press the tines of a fork all around the edges of each one to seal the dough together.  Repeat with second pie crust. 

Lay them on a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes, until golden.  Let cool.  While cooling, make the glaze.  Combine powdered sugar, salt and vanilla in a medium sized bowl.  Add milk one tablespoon at a time, whisking together.  Add the other tablespoon a little at a time until desired consistency and whisk until there are no lumps.  Spoon and smooth a little of the glaze over each pocket.  Let dry.  These are great for an on-the-go breakfasts or a treat/dessert!


Want to win some fun stuff for your apple baking from Pillsbury provided by My Blog Spark?  Here’s what you need to do to enter--

*Leave me a comment here telling me two things—do you put lemon juice/zest in your apple pie?  (I have recently discovered I don’t care for the lemon zesty taste taking over the apple taste.  So I was just wondering what ya’ll think.)

*Enter again leaving a separate comment telling me something you have made with pie crust and/or apples lately.

*”Like” the Love the Pie page from Pillsbury on Facebook and come back to leave me a comment here telling me that you did.


In the prize package—measuring cups, apple slicers, apple cutting board, glass pie plate, hot pad, apple timer and one coupon for Pillsbury pie crusts. 

You have until Tuesday, November 23, at midnight, MST to enter.  Limited to US residents only.  A winner will be selected at random and notified via email (so make sure I have a way to contact you).

Thank you to Pillsbury for providing me these products that you could also win if chosen.  They were provided by My Blog Spark.   


Jessie said...

I am not a big fan of lemon flavor, so I usually skip it in pies.

Jessie said...

I most recently made chicken pot pie with pie crust. Yum!

Julie said...

I love your little apple pies. I can't recall my pies having an overpowering lemon thing going on if I put some lemon juice in there. I usually just do what the recipe says.

Julie said...

I "liked" Love the Pie :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have a go-to apple pie recipe; however, I would definitely not want a lemony taste in an apple pie, so definitely no zest, and if I added juice, it would be just a touch.

Anonymous said...

I made three TWD desserts with pie crust recently! Apple Pie, Pear Fold-Over Torte, and Cranberry-Lime Galette. It was so handy to have pie crust in the freezer - homemade or store-bought, it's a great thing to have ready to go.

Valerie said...

I like lemon zest in my apple pie or apple strudel. :) But I'm sure I'd love your little pockets too!!!

Valerie said...

I often use pre-made pie crust when I make jam layer bars.

Unknown said...

I usually add in some lemon juice-- maybe like 1/2 tsp

Unknown said...

I am making Sylvia's no fail pie crust from Pioneer Woman tomorrow!

Unknown said...

I love the Pie on facebook too!

Fallon said...

I think the lemon juice is better then the zest because it doesn't leave such a strong punch and the apples are still the main part of the dessert.

Fallon said...

Lately I've been using applesauce as a substitute to yogurt for breakfast and then adding in my cereal and nuts for some crunch. It is delicious and reminds me of an apple crumble!

Suburban prep said...

I haven't put lemon zest in the pies I have made before.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said...

I made an apple bread about a month ago.

Bonnie said...

I don't like putting lemon zest in my apple pie. I think it overpowers the apples, but I do use a bit of fresh squeezed lemon juice. I like the bit of acid.

Bonnie said...

I just made banana cream pies. Love homemade crust but I would use a frozen crust in a pinch. Love the "pop-tarts".

Max and Deborah said...

I make a yummy chocolate cream pie. I also make a family favoite, chicken pot pie, both using pillsbury dough. It is always in my freezer. Afriend of mine made cookies out of pie dough, but I did not know how she did it. It was very good. I love the apple pocket idea, Pop Tarts are my girls favorite breakfast, but I don't let them have it very often. I might let them more with these. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have never tried leamon zest in my pie. I would agree with you and think it would over power the apples!
stroker881 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I just made a cherry pie recently from pie crust!
stroker881 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried lemon juice/zest in my apple pie :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I make calzones and sausage rolls with pie crust.

Anonymous said...

I Like Love the Pie on Facebook

Lisa said...

Would you believe I've never made an apple pie? But, if I did, I think I would leave the lemon juice out.

Lisa said...

I made apple brownies recently.

Donna-FFW said...

HI Katrina.. I do put 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice into my pie...

Donna-FFW said...

Recently I made homemade applesauce with apples and chocolate cream pie with pe crust. I am bookmarking these strudels.. reminds me of pop tarts..

Empanadas I have made with pie crust also, a quick way!

Terri. said...

I usually do put a little lemon in my apple pie.

Terri. said...

I just recently made a blueberry pie for my brother.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Love your creation! They remind me of Poptarts..yum :-) I rarely use lemon..I am not a fan unfortunately.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I "liked" the Love the Pie on FB!

Bunny said...

Katrina these look so tender and good! I've always wanted to make Pop Tarts but haven't yet and for some reason I always forget there's pie crust already made. Now that you've made them easy it'll give me the incentive to make them! Thanks!

Kelly from Glitter in Third said...

I "liked" the pie!! And I loveee making pumpkin pie with the Pillsbury dough. I think the refridgerated dough tastes so much better than the frozen stuff... I actually eat it raw...

Kerstin said...

What cute pop tarts! I really like Pillsbury crusts. And I usually put a little lemon juice in, not enough to taste it, just enough to enhance the apple flavor.

Kerstin said...

And the last thing I made with apples were my apple brie scones!

Twila said...

I usually make apple pie filling that I use throughout the years for pies, and yes, it does have lemon juice in it. But it's not an overpowering flavor.

Twila said...

We have our own apple trees, so I use lots of apples in the fall. Last Monday I made my apple pie filling and I had about a pint leftover. I didn't feel like running the canner again for just one pint so I put it in a baking dish, added a crumb topping, and we had apple crisp for supper.

Susan said...

My husband does not like me to put lemon juice/zest in things that are not lemon flavored...he doesn't really like lemon flavored things period. So, no, I don't add it.

Susan said...

I made chicken pot pie using the refrigerated pie crust. So easy!

Kerri said...

I don't use lemon when making apple pie. My recipe calls for it but I don't include it. I think it gives an over powering taste and I want cinnamon, sugar & apples

Kerri said...

I "liked" pie on facebook

Kerri said...

I used apples recently with sweet potatoes as a side dish in the crockpot

Anonymous said...

I don't add lemon juice to my pie

Anonymous said...

I recently made an apple crisp and served it with Cool Whip; delicious!

Anonymous said...

I liked "love the pie!"

Our Great Joy said...

I have never added lemon juice or zest to my apple pies, and I think they are great without it.

Jennifer said...

I put a little lemon juice on the apple slices but no zest. I never pick up the lemony flavor, which, I agree with you, I don't think I'd like too well with the apples.

Jennifer said...

I "liked" I love pie on FB!

Jennifer said...

Lately, the only thing I've made with apples is caramel to dip them in. (I figure if the caramel will get my picky son to eat an apple, then it's worth the extra calories!)

I am getting ready to make the CI pumpkin pie using a pillsbury crust, though, for Thanksgiving.

susitravl said...

I have never used lemon juice in apple pie, and I don't think I would like it.


susitravl said...

Like Love The Pie on FB (SusanBenegas)

susitravl said...

I made a ridiculously delicious apple cake with caramel frosting. The reason it was so good - 2 sticks of butter!

Biz said...

I do add about a teaspoon of lemon juice to my apples, just so they don't discolor. And my go to apple for all baking projects? Fuji! They hold their shape really well and are always super sweet!

Katie Rose said...

These look heavenly, I love strudel! It's a shame it got sent to the wrong address but at least you got a second chance! I have an award for you on my blog, I hope you'll accept it :-)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Such a fun giveaway! My fingers and toes are crossed :)

I sometimes add lemon juice and I love adding orange zest. It pairs so nicely with the apples. I also recently made apple dumplings. Love them!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I "liked" the Love the Pie page :)

chow and chatter said...

oh love the raviloli i think I will order a tile he he ordered a custom apron recently

have a lovely thanksgiving

lol Rebecca

Natalie said...

i can't get over how much these look like toaster strudels! I just made a pie the other day and did include a little bit of lemon wasn't too strong of a flavor though!

Natalie said...

also, i recently made the aforementioned pie which was an apple cranberry pie with oatmeal cookie be on the blog on wednesday!

Mari Bryant- Marks said...

I love lemon, so I use just a tiny bit in my apple pie. I really like your "toaster strudel" idea! So easy and fun :)

Mari Bryant- Marks said...

I made shepherds pie with my ready made pie crusts.

Shelley said...

I don't use lemon juice or zest in my apple pie. I really don't care for the lemon flavor with my apples.

mdlangmead at gmail dot com

Shelley said...

I've made Homemade Cinnamon Twists with pie crust just recently. One of my kids' favorite snacks!

mdlangmead at gmail dot com

Shelley said...

Liked "Love the Pie" on FB! Also followed your blog!

mdlangmead at gmail dot com

Nicole-Lynn said...

I've never added lemon zest to my apple pie, but I'm interested to know how popular that is! :)

Nicole-Lynn said...

I haven't made anything with apple lately. I do plan to make one for Christmas though! :) Winning this giveaway would be a great help!

Elina (Russian Bites) said...

Do you know if the dough has partially hydrogenated oil or HFCS? I find that most premade doughs do. So sad.

Leslie said...

I add just a tad bit of lemon juice to brighten up the flavors!
I am digging your Homemade toasted strudels!!!!

Nancy L said...

I use lemon juice in my apple pies.

Cherloo said...

I DO not like to put lemon in my pie.. I want a sweet pie not a pretty one..

TeaLady said...

I like Like the Pie on FB

TeaLady said...

I don't like lemon in apple pie.

Cherloo said...

I just got done making pecan pie

TeaLady said...

The last thing I made with pie crusts was the TWD galette. Makes some things so easy when don't have a lot of time.

Thanks for a great give a way.

Carla said...

Ok I get that the giveaway is over, but I wanted to stop by and say hey remember me? haha Yummy looking strudels. Reminds me of the frozen kind except much better.

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