Tuesday, August 18, 2009

TWD--Applesauce Spice Bars

Today's Tuesday's With Dorie recipe for Applesauce Spice Bars was chosen by Karen of Something Sweet by Karen.  You can get the recipe on the link to her blog or if you don't have Dorie's wonderful baking book, GET IT

The applesauce spice bars were simple to make and pretty good.  There were only a few things I didn't love about them, but still, we liked them enough to eat them.  I thought there were too many raisins, in which their chewiness overpowered the apple flavor.  But funny I say that, I also didn't care for the bits of apple.  I would have just liked more applesauce and less chunk.  Although I loved the nuts.  So, if I needed to make a yummy fall treat, I would probably make these again, but leave out the raisins and possibly the apples, increasing the applesauce.  I also would maybe add a bit more cinnamon.  The sugary glaze was good, but I wonder how--no, I know how good these would be with a cream cheese frosting.  Ooh. 

Here's a quick photo run down of some things for you.


I hadn't really looked at this week's recipe much, but knew it involved apples, and I saw these crisp little beauties at the farmer's market this past Saturday, so I picked some up.   A sign near the apples at the market said they were "Dutchess Macoun apples".  Never heard of them.  But the guy selling them said they are a sweet apple.  They are actually quite crisp with just the right amount of sweetness.  I don't like tart apples too much, whereas, Kevin only likes tart apples.  This TWD recipe only calls for one apple, but I thought they were a little small, so I used two small apples.  I LOVED chopping them perfect equal sizes with my Vidalia Chop Wizard---



I always line baking pans with tin foil and then lightly spray it with cooking spray (I also floured this one, just because Dorie suggested buttering and flouring the pan, but I'll bet it would have been fine with just cooking spray.)  Everything always lifts out easily with the edges of the foil and I've never had anything stick.  Since I like nuts so much, I used 3/4 cup instead of 1/2 cup and I toasted the pecans first.  I also did not use the alcohol, but plumped up the raisins in some warm water, so just for fun, I added 1 tablespoon of the raisin water in place of the alcohol.  I only baked my bars for 20 minutes. 



I read on the P&Q's to double the glaze, so I did.  I forgot that I was out of corn syrup, so I used agave nectar.  The glaze seemed perfect to me, although a little too sugary for my liking.  What?  Did I say that?  Well, as I mentioned, I think I just would have liked a cream cheese icing on top.  I wonder if the caramelly glaze just took too much of the apple spice taste away for me.  And because I like to totally contradict myself, I had to top these with something else sweet.  ICE CREAM!

I've seen cinnamon ice cream and snickerdoodle ice cream floating around the blogosphere lately, so I decided to whip up Lori's version from RecipeGirl.com.  I seem to like the ice creams that aren't full of eggy custard (although some of those are DELISH!).  I supposed I like the simplicity of the ones that don't need to be cooked on the stove and then chilled.  I slightly adapted Lori's recipe, but only because of the amounts of cream, half and half and milk that I had on hand.

SNICKERDOODLE ICE CREAM, adapted by Katrina (My changes are in red.)

½ cup granulated sugar  (I only used 1/4 cup sugar)
½ cup brown sugar
½ tsp ground cinnamon  (I used a good heaping 1/2 teaspoon)
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
2 cups heavy whipping cream  (I used 1  1/2 cups cream)
1½ cups half and half cream  (I used 1/2 cup half and half and 1  1/2 cups whole milk)
1½ tsp vanilla extract

1. Combine sugars with spices. Add remaining ingredients and mix until smooth. Pour the cold mixture immediately into ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions (usually about 30 minutes.)

2. Scoop ice cream into a freezer- safe container. Freeze.




We tried to have the neighbors over for refreshments as I had previously made the blueberry oat bars and Dorie's blueberry sour cream ice cream (see my last post) as well as these applesauce spice bars and snickerdoodle ice cream, but their two year old was sick, so we packed up a bunch of the goodies and took it over to them.  Including this big cup of ice cream as well as some of the blueberry.  (Good to get these things out of OUR house! ;)



Thanks for the great, simple ice cream recipe, Lori!

And just because I can't end a post without any pictures of the boys, look what Mr. Sam did on Sunday, moments before it was time to get dressed to go to church.  He came up the stairs with that look on his face like he knew he'd be in trouble.  The boys were downstairs only feet away from him and hadn't even noticed what he was doing.  Sigh!  (This is Sam's new "get that camera out of my face look", you'll see more of it in the future.)


Yes, that's the look, Sam.  "What did you do, MR?!"  Hint--look at his left wrist.  No, that's not blood, he didn't cut himself.


Oh my goodness--this may be the cutest picture I've ever seen--look at those legs.  No, not the duck's. ;)  What is that on your left heel there, Sam-O?


"Where did you get a red marker from, Little Boy?"  Needless to say, he took a quick bath and we scrubbed.  No, it didn't all come off, you know those Crayola WASHABLE markers.  Yes, those.  Well, at least he hadn't gotten any on his face.

Ya'll come back soon this week, have I got one of the most delicious things ever to show you.  I'm not kidding.  HEAVEN!  See ya! 


Megan said...

Yeah - WASHABLE markers - they wash off, right? Ba ha ha ha ha!!

I think the spice bars would definitely have been better with cream cheese icing. Although really, what isn't? :)

And that ice cream - wow!!

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Yes, I know about washable markers...LOL! Yummy bars and I am looking forward to apple picking season in just a few weeeks.

spike. said...

wow, cream cheese frosting would be amazing! And that ice cream!!!

RecipeGirl said...

You make the best stuff. Snickerdoodle ice cream on top of those bars is SUCH a good idea. Diet-busting, but good :) Thanks for the linky love!

Stephanie said...

Holy wow! What a dream combination!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love that whenever I need an ice cream fix I could just drop by your blog!!

Fallon said...

haha hopefully he won't be marking up your walls next!!

Those apple bars look wonderful. That is something my father would definitely like. I'm thinking, top it with a cream cheese frosting and then drizzle the glaze on top? That can be very good!

Soy*Baby said...

Your boy is too adorable. Those legs. Everything looks wonderful. I'm going to have to try that ice cream.

Jennifer said...

I thought the bars were good, but, wow, your ice cream looks GREAT. I love making ice cream. But my family (other than me) doesn't really like cinnamon that much. Which is a shame because cinnamon ice cream would be so good on these bars.

(Oh, and you could maybe do shredded apple or zuchini in place of the chunks. I wonder if you'd like it better then?)

Kayte said...

LOL on the red marker! So cute. Your bars look amazing, and it was dangerous enough with that glaze the regular size amount, if I had doubled it, I would be bound for hell because it was soooo good. Yours look way too tempting. Love the shot of the apples.

Melissa said...

I'm jealous of your chop wizard - that would make my life easier! Cute pics of your son, and those apples look delish!

TeaLady said...

Beautiful bars and incredible ice cream. Yummo!

Anonymous said...

Those apples look great! It sounds like you've got some good ideas to customize this recipe to your liking. Cream cheese frosting sounds wonderful

karen said...

cream cheese frosting and snickerdoodle ice cream... those are some good ideas!! i seem to be the opposite from you on this one, i would've upped the apples and raisins and left out the nuts. :)

Maria said...

I made those last fall, love them! I will have to try the ice cream with them next time! YUM!

Leslie said...

Girl, you really know how to take things over the top and beyond! I like your idea of leaving out the raisins next time and adding more pecans.

Pam said...

Gotta love those "washable" markers.

I really need to try these bars - my kids would really, really love them.

vibi said...

I guess washable means laudrywise huh? LOL LOL LOL

Thank goodness you had something sweet and scrumptious to comfort with.

isa said...

Wow! Cream cheese frosting and ice ream - great ideas!
Lovely pictures of your son!

Liz said...

Oh YES these would be amazing with cream cheese frosting! Sounds DELICIOUS. But as is, they look fabulous, especially with the vanilla ice cream.

Unknown said...

I love how you create everything as a base for a new ice cream recipe :) I don't think anyone's ever put their ice cream maker to as much good use :)

TeaLady said...

Thanks for coming by the other day.

Believe me you DON'T we me to cook for you!!! Hit and miss at best. Only the baking comes out right....

The Sugar Fiend said...

I notice your son carefully chose the red marker, the color of blood, so everyone will stop and say "oh my heavens, what happened to that poor child," rather than say, blue or purple. Very crafty of him!

Bunny said...

I love these bars and the ice cream YES!! What a great combination! When my son was little (he's 29 now) a neighbors little girl took a PERMANENT black marker and drew circles around his mouth, eyes and nose!!! You should have been in he bathroom while he was getting that scrubbed off!!! UGH!!!

CookiePie said...

Precious!!! Love the bars too -- and anything apple needs vanilla ice cream. Yours looks so delicious!

Amanda said...

ha ha! He is the cutest little kid, what a munchkin! Ah yes, WASHABLE markers, that always made me laugh. :-P

I loved these bars but had to give half the batch to my neighbor or I would have eaten them ALL!

Barbara Bakes said...

I'm impressed with the Vidalia Chop Wizard! I'll have to look for that. Your dessert looks fabulous!

Unknown said...

Love the ice cream and the marker! I can so relate.

Anonymous said...

YOur bars and ice cream look wonderful. Love the pics of your son!

Jules Someone said...

hehe. It all looks yummy. The boy and the dessert

Unknown said...

Great first pic of the apples - they look delicious! Your bars look awesome too. I loved these, especially the super sweet glaze :) Oh, and that snickerdoodle ice cream - somehow I've missed that one so thanks for sharing!

Teanna said...

OH your ice creams look SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOO GOOD. Seriously, SO good. Also, just saw your coment about Levain Bakery (I am a bit behind on email from the move!)... what is so funny is that when I read it, I was about two blocks from Levain bakery after having JUST LEFT. Great minds, eh???

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard of a Dutchess Macoun, let alone Rome or Cortland apple before! Your spice bars look wonderful, especially with the ice cream! That ice cream recipe looks like something I should try since I don't have much luck with the custard based recipes!
I'm jealous of your Vidalia Chop Wizard!
(Thank you for your comment. I hope your mom and I both find new, better jobs soon!)

Anonymous said...

These look great!! I've been on the lookout for a good roll recipe, and these look like a good one to try!

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