Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Scott's 11th Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Scott!  I cannot believe my first baby is 11 today.  Really, where does the time go??  He'll be in 6th grade this next year.  In summary, I'm getting old.  jk

Scott had a "family" birthday this year.  I made the mistake of starting when Scott was three years old and having birthday parties with friends and planned activities and such for Scott and the other three boys since then.  And I'm tired!  No really, we decided that the kids can have friend birthday parties every other year and we'll do our family birthday bash the other years. 

I am not sure Scott's ever eaten more in one day, but by the time his ice cream cake came around at the end of the day, he barely got some of it down.  We went to Steak N Shake for lunch and Scott ate a salad, onion rings (ewwee), a double cheeseburger and at least 3/4 of a HUGE milk shake.  THEN, Kevin took the three older boys to see the movie, Up, and I took Sam home.  While at the movie, the boys shared the most giant popcorn I've ever seen (although they didn't even eat half of it), because Kevin also bought them each their own box of candy.  Parker came home and said he didn't feel good.  He had all the same things for lunch (except fries instead of nasty onion rings).  He thinks he is as big as Scott and should get all the same things.  It's rather funny and I love that he wants to be just like his big brother.  But he only ate about half of everything, and only maybe 1/4 of the shake.  I'd wondered if they would even be able to eat the big dinner Scott decided on for his dinner a few hours later and my awesome ice cream "cake" I'd made.

Scott decided he wanted grilled steaks for dinner.  He went with Kevin to pick them out and they came back with 6 giant steaks (Bob and Tes came over for dinner).  We had all kinds of veggies and fruit and salads with dinner, but Scott could only eat about half his steak and some blueberries.  We waited about an hour until it was late enough to have dessert.  THIS---


Super Duper Ice Cream Cake (without cake)

On the bottom is a brownie layer, then Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream, then Super Fudge Brownie Ice Cream, then Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and finally in scoops all over the top are those same three flavors and a Peanut Butter Monster Cookie Ice Cream (all Blue Bunny brand).  Drizzled on the top is chocolate and caramel flavored Smuckers Magic Shell,  plain and peanut M&Ms and colorful sprinkles.  Does this not look like the coolest birthday cake ever?  I thought it turned out pretty cool!




Ready for some singing and blowing out of the candles.


Scott getting his pucker ready for the big blow out!  (Hurry, the ice cream is melting! jk)


Do not be grossed out by the nasty, dirty blinds in the background!  If you have shades right next to your dinner table, how do yours look?  Maybe you should inspect them and clean them if you're going to be taking pictures.  Okay, huh.  How about that?  (Okay, I feel better now.)


Got 'em all with one big blow!

I was a little worried about how hard it might be to cut the "cake".  Would the brownie still be frozen solid?  It actually cut beautifully!  It had been out of the freezer for about 15 minutes.  Once I started serving it, I didn't get any more pictures, other than this--


I'm happy with the way the layers turned out.  After slicing Scott the first piece that was bigger than his head, he STILL added more Magic Shell to his bowl.  What is up with that stuff?  I remember my dad and brothers loving it, too.  Do NOT look at the "nutrition" label.  That stuff has 18, count them, 18 grams of fat per 2 tablespoons!  What in the world is that stuff made of?  Well, you only have a birthday once a year, right!  Scott ate about 95% of his serving.  When I served Parker his, he complained that Scott got a much bigger piece.  We didn't give in and just gave Parker his smaller serving.  Parker ended up eating only about 5% of his!  Silly boy!

Next time you've got a birthday dessert to make and your loved one(s) don't like cake, especially frosting, make this--everyone will love it! ; )

And now, some more pictures of Scott's big day.


After playing this Punch Out game with the boys for a while, Kevin told me you really get quite a workout from it.  Maybe I'll try it sometime.  I can just see me now.  ha



Hi, Taylor.



Scottie excitedly exclaimed, "I got a brown box!"  It was more Wii stuff.




"Woohoo, another brown box!"


I gave Scott a bunch of candy and goodies, his own box of cereal and a 2 liter of root beer that he doesn't have to share with anyone.  He's pretty pleased with it.  The dentist won't be.  Sigh.

We love you, Scottie!


Susan @ SGCC said...

That ice cream cake looks amazing! I definitely shouldn't come here when I'm hungry!

It's hard to see your babies grow up, isn't it? My daughter just finished her 1st year of high school - and, she has a boyfriend! I'm so not ready for this!

Unknown said...

These pictures are soo cute. I love how all your boys seem equally excited about Scott's birthday :D
And the ice cream cake looks delicious, it being like 90 degrees here, I'd love for something like that :P

Stephanie said...

Can I come to one of your family birthdays too?

Your kids are beautiful and that cake!!!!

Please send me the rest of the cake that the boys didn't eat.

(I love your blog by the way!)

Megan said...

Great pictures (as always).

Love the ice cream cake - what a fabulous idea instead of regular cake (which no one seems to like at your house):)

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday!

Your cake looks amazing. I'll have to try and replicate it. Of course, my kids have winter birthdays, but heck, we like ice cream all year!

Deb said...

That cake is awesome! Who needs a friends party with a family party like that. Happy Birthday Scott. Jon will be there on Sunday, wish I could too!

Kay said...

Mmmm, yum! That's THE best kind of 'cake'! I've got a weekness for ice cream, but don't actually like cake very well. And I'm with Scott... I'd drizzle more hard shell stuff over it too. :) I like how you layered 3 diff flavors and then put scoops of each on top. Love it!

noble pig said...

Your cake turned out awesome, WOW, what an awesome idea. So very cool! Also, he is very adorable, what a lovely family you have.

Valerie said...

What kid wouldn't LOVE that cake? Great job!

Pam said...

What a fun and tasty birthday! I love, love, love the ice cream cake - it looks amazing!

vibi said...

That cake looks crazy good... I wish I was young again, and had been invited to that party... LOL just for the cake! YUMMY!

Happy B-day Scott!

The Sugar Fiend said...

That cake looks like something out of the Wizard of Oz or the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--so colorful,crazy, and asymmetrical!

It sounds like your son had a wonderful day--everything in moderation, except birthdays!

Darius T. Williams said...

I need to be a member of your family!

Culinary Wannabe said...

What a cake! It looks fantastic! I'd have a "family" birthday every year if I could have one of those. :)

Becky said...

So I promise to never think twice about your sweet husband and boys not liking cake anymore, they are true geniuses. Did you think of that cake? Who's the genius? You the genius!

Happy 11th birthday Scott, middle school will be sweet!

Anonymous said...

That looks like an amazing cake. Happy Birthday, Scott! It looks like fun was had by all.

Donna-FFW said...

That ice cream cake looks awesome. I LOVE it. Happy Birthday to your little boy.

Deborah said...

Oh, my goodness - I want a slice of that cake RIGHT NOW!!!

Nutrition Momma said...

I can't believe he is 11. I remember that sweet little baby I used to play with before I got married when you guys lived here. Well I guess a lot of time has passed, why don't I feel that much older. Looks like he had a lot of fun.

Mermaid Sews said...

wow, I think that is just about the coolest ice cream cake I have ever seen, OMG!

Anonymous said...

So this is the famous cake you were telling me about on msn! I knew it would be great but how cool is that?! Seriosly delicious looking and so much fun! Happy b'day to Scott!

Jenn's Baking Chamber said...

Now that's what I call my kind of ice cream cake!!!

Unknown said...

Awww, how sweet! That cake looks so fantastic. I wish I had one right now to cure the Sunday night blues!

Candy said...

This cake is awesome!!! I may have to make it for my own birthday. Thanks for sharing.

Fallon said...

Now THAT is an ice cream cake!!

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