Tuesday, April 07, 2009

TWD--Banana Cream Pie---AND a GIVEAWAY!

Banana Cream Pie--yum!  I'm all about all things bananas.  I wasn't too sure about liking this custard/pastry cream and really wasn't wanting to make something with six egg yolks.  I also thought I'd just skip this week, with our plans to go out of town for Kevin's Grandma's funeral, but that didn't work out (see my last post).  So, not being able to get bananas out of my thoughts (hehe, jk) I decided to make the pie.  I planned to only make half the custard and make a pie that wasn't so thick.  I've used Dorie's pie crust recipe before and whipped it up for this pie. 

Dorie suggested that if you use frozen butter you can skip the chilling, so I did that.   The dough turned out beautiful and rolled out great.  I did the whole foil with beans as weights and baked it off.  Well, my crust shrunk.  I HATE it when that happens.


Not a pretty sight.  Sigh.

I went about my many other things of the day.  Chilled and rolled out the scraps of dough that were leftover and decided to see how it would bake up.  While the dough originally came nicely to the edges of the dish, it also shrunk.


Oh well, you can't win them all.  I decided to forge on with the custard. 

Set the half recipe of milk (lightened up the pie by using 2% milk!) to come to a boil, mixed up the egg yolks, brown sugar (oh, see, now I just realized I didn't press the brown sugar through a sieve, hmm), cornstarch and salt in another pot and tried whisking it together.  It was a big clump of sandy goo.  I was worried.  (I also left out the cinnamon and nutmeg--but I did that on purpose.  I just didn't want the cinnamon taste in my banana cream pie.  I may try it someday.)  Anyway, I kept whisking that clump and hoping and added the little bit of hot milk to temper the eggs.  It finally began thinning out and into the pan and off my whisk.  Whew.  I had a little more hope.  Added more milk and kept on whisking.  Once all the milk was added, I don't think it was even a minute until all the sudden that milky mixture turned right into a lovely thick custard.  It was so simple.  I was happy.

Chilled the custard as I went about more things of the day.  As Dorie suggested, I also assembled the "pie" not long before serving it. 



I love that this was layered with custard then bananas, more custard, MORE bananas and a little more custard.  You can't make something too banana-y, banana-ish, whatever--for me! ; )  I was beginning to wish I'd made a full pie, this was lookin' good!


Whipped up some REAL cream (although I still admit to liking Cool Whip better), but aren't you proud I did the real thing (but left the sour cream out)?  Then I piped it on with a pastry bag.



We had company over for dessert tonight.  Besides the banana cream pie, I'd made a few other things.  The pie was well liked by everyone who had some.  I liked it!  Is there a way to make fat free eggs?  Can you make fat free custard?  I'm sure some have done it.  I'm glad there is none of this left.  I would just keep eating it, telling myself it was lower in fat because I didn't use whole milk. 

GREAT pick this week, chosen by Amy of Sing For Your Supper, you can get this recipe on her blog.  Lovin' this book by Dorie Greenspan, Baking From My Home to Yours.   Go get ya a copy!  Check out all the other Banana Cream Pies out there in TWD land.


It's giveaway time!  Why?  Because I feel like it.  Some may recall that a few months ago I had a giveaway for the Chop Wizard and a bunch of chocolate.  An old friend of mine from high school won the giveaway.  I had asked everyone to comment about what their favorite kind of chocolate is.  Shari forgot to answer in her comment, so I asked her in an email.  Well, turned out she doesn't like dark chocolate.  That's what MOST of my chocolate giveaway was.  I didn't want to send her something she doesn't like, so I got her a bunch of other yummy milk chocolate things. 

THEREFORE, I still have more chocolate I'd like to giveaway. 


You think that's all?  Well, I found THESE at the local Michael's Craft Store and loved them. 

Brownie Silicone Molds from Wilton.  There were actually all kinds of things, including a book full of recipes and ideas for cool, cute, yummy brownies.  I didn't get the book, but I got one lucky winner one of these molds and some sticks.  (Okay, I got me one, too.  The one I got makes square brownies.)


Go to your craft store or look on the Wilton site and see all the things they have for these!

Well, just because I know so many can't find these little gems in their area, I'm throwing in a few bags of these, too.


Leave me any old comment you wish on this post by Friday, April 10, 2009, midnight, CST and I'll do a random drawing  with my boys to see who the winner is.  (Sorry, this one is limited to those in the U.S. only.)  Tell your friends, this is a good one! ;)  Good Luck!


Becky said...

I love banana cream pie, I'll have to give that recipe a whirl. I fully admit to being one of those loosers who bought the TWD book, signed up, then did squat! I really need to take my name off the list, but posts like yours just keep saying to me, "come on Becky, this would be fun!" In the meantime I'll read post like yours and drool.

Anonymous said...

I'm weird - you'll never see me eat a banana out of hand, but throw it in a pie, pudding, or bread & I'm all over it! Don't worry about your crust, it happens to us all. Whenever something I make isn't all that pretty, I just say "good thing Martha's not coming to dinner"! Chocolate....oh, how I love chocolate! Thanks for offering a great giveaway! Great blog :).


Mary said...

OK...now I need to try this recipe asap. I admit to liking Cool Whip too....I think Dorie would understand :). Great giveaway...chocolate lovers unite!

Megan said...

Ah, my husband loves Cool Whip too, you're in good company.

Now, about all that chocolate you are giving away. Sign me up!!!

chocolatechic said...

I am so sorry that your crust shrank.

It looks wonderful.

As for the chocolate give away....You know I'm a chocolatechic...right?

spike. said...

your pie looks great! That pie and all that chocolate are making my stomach growl!

Pamela said...

Well...that is quite the give-away you are having!

The pie looks like it turned out great. Nice job piping on the whipped cream. And I'm surprised that you skipped the cool whip. :o)

LAC said...

That banana cream pie looks amazing!

Sarah said...

Cool whip over whipped cream? Blasphemy! =)

hoosiernuts said...

hi katrina! i love your blog...and has inspired me to pick up my blog again!(hoosiernutsbakes.blogspot.com)

i just made the whole wheat peanut butter banana cookies from picky palate based on your post. they were amazing!

thank you again for the inspiration!

Maria said...

Nice job on the pie. It looks so creamy and delicious! GREAT giveaway too! I am loving all of that chocolate!

Amy of Sing For Your Supper said...

Too bad about your incredible shrinking pie crust...but it still looks absolutely amazing...I love the piped whipped cream! Thanks for baking with me this week!


Cathy said...

I had crust shrinkage too! What is up with that? In any event, your pie looks beautiful! So glad that you liked it.

doughmesstic said...

Oh! Your Pie! It looks so much better than mine! Jealous.
More jelaous though, of whoever wins that LOOT! I can't find those cinnamon chips anywhere around here...and that chocolate? Must. Have. It.

Please?? :)

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I love that you lightened this up a bit and it still turned out great. I am hoping to make it tonight. We'll see. :) mmmm...dark chocolate!

Clark Family said...

Holy Cow! Sometimes I wonder why I comment on your givaways, because i have never won a single thing! Haha. Even when we had a billion prizes at my high school graduation party I didn't win a single thing! Haha. So here I am having a pity party hoping your cute boys will pick me! Haha!

noble pig said...

I think the pie looks awesome but too bad about the crust.

I love dark chocolate!

farah said...

Your pie looks so yummy! So glad it was a hit with everyone :)

Heather said...

I now wish I had piped the whipped cream on top of the pie. Next time!

And count me in for the yummy chocolate drawing.

Liz said...

Your pie looks great! Thank heavens for friends who help us eat our desserts and resist too much temptation.

This IS a good giveaway! ...but I don't want to tell my friends, that's just more competition. :} Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Carla said...

Smart girl for piping on your cream! It looks so pretty. I used whole milk because I wasn't sure if that would affect the cream. Next time I'll use skim since you made it successfully. I can never tell when whole milk really makes a difference.

Mmmm chocolate!

p.s. Sorry to hear about the death in the family :(

Myla said...

OH!!! I wanna win! There are so many recipes with Cinnamon chips in them and I can't EVER find them at stores near me. And the brownie mold would be fantastic to use at bridal showers...I have 8 this year! :)

Shanbanan said...

I LOVE dark chocolate better than any other kind. But then again, I won't turn away from any other kind either. AND I went to a demo on the brownie stuff at my local craft store. The demonstrator from Wilton didn't look like she'd had enough time to play with them herself (seemed like she was still trying to figure out all the new things too. But the stuff was great either way--just didn't have the money to get any of it then.


The Cogswells said...

Treeni...I love you. Thanks for turning me on to the biggest loser. Burned 500 calories last night and I'm not even a week into it. Thanks for your support and your delicious receipes. I will try the banana cream pie this weekend!!

Unknown said...

OH!!!!! I want the cinnamon chips. I CANNOT find those here. Your banana pie looks wonderful. That crust looks great in the full thickness picture...despite the shrinkage. If I am prebaking a pie crust, I'll use the tines of a fork to poke holes in it...don't really know if it helps but I haven't had any shrinking crusts lately.

Natalie said...

ooh i would LOVE to win this giveaway! thanks for offering it :)

and your pie looks delish!

Rebecca said...

Check it out! It reminds me of a big, beautiful banana pudding but with a CRUST. Yesssss.

TeaLady said...

Oh, Katrina. Look at all those wonderful goodies. You are too much.

Your pie looks like it came out perfectly. My crust shrank a tad, but it still tasted yummy! As did the pie.

sandy said...

everything you make looks delish! you inspire me to bake more often.


sphinx63 said...

I love banana cream pie, and yours looks wonderful! And those brownie bites look great, too, would love to try making those for a party. So cute. Thanks!

mere said...

love your blog! i can't believe you do all this and have 4 boys!

Jennifer said...

Your pie looks so pretty! I can't do the piping on thing very well.
And I love your give away, it all looks scrumptious and perfect for a baker!

Anonymous said...

The Banana Cream Pie looks wonderful. My husband would especially go bananas for that! :-)
Nice of you to do another give away! I know I would put that yummy dark chocolate and the other goodies to good use.
Happy Baking!

Teanna said...

Oh man that is an AWESOME brownie pop pan! Inspired by Bakerella, I'm sure! Your pie looks AWESOME, I love that you served it as a casserole! haha!

Anonymous said...

Ohh the wonders of chocolate! Sign me up :-)

Leslie said...

I hate shrinkage!!!

I NEED those cinnamon chips! I havent found them AYWHERE!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Lauren said...

I would love to win this yummy giveaway! I can't find cinnamon chips in my area anymore. I have two bags left in my freezer. What will I do when they are gone?!

Kayte said...

Oh, that is such fun to see it all done up in that dish...something different and all. And, it would be so easy to cover in the frig! I love the stars and the inside photo looks so great...very lovely.

Olivia said...

Your banana cream pie ended up looking much different then mine usually does. I love graham cracker crusts with it, oh sooo good!!! And your give away is such a fantastic idea!!! Once I get more traffic to my blog, I would love to start that idea.

Elden said...

I was reading your blog today and remembered a cookie recipe that Steph Garner used to make when we all lived at good old Monticello. It originally came from the BH&G Cookbook, but I made a couple of changes. It makes a wonderfully soft, cake-like cookie and it's crowning glory is the frosting. Give it a try...

Banana Drop Cookies

2 c flour
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t baking soda
1/4 t salt
1/4 t nutmeg
1/2 c butter
1 c sugar
2 eggs
1/2 t vanilla
1 c mashed bananas
1/2 c chopped walnuts (optional...I leave these out and never miss 'em)

2 c powdered sugar
1/4 c mashed banana
2 T softened butter
1/2 t vanilla

Mix together all dry ingredients. Cream butter and sugar, then add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Add dry ingredients and bananas alternately to beaten mixture, beating after each addition. Stir in nuts. Place two inches apart on a well-greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes. Remove from cookie sheet immediately and cool on a wire rack. Frost cooled cookies.


Celeste said...

Oh my goodness!! What an awesome giveaway! You have no idea how much I love to bake! :)

contact me at:

Amy Franklin said...

Sometimes I feel silly leaving a comment when someone is having a giveaway...I feel kind of greedy. BUT--I have to say that I too love bananas, and if more people in my house liked them, I would totally make that pie. Looks delish! But today I did make your choc. banana muffins for the umpteenth time...everyone loves those, and breakfast is all ready to go!

Anne said...

I'm glad you liked the pie! Just keep it really with the eggs and don't eat it too often! :) Looks like a fun giveaway- I always need chocolate with all my baking!

Anna said...

Here's my comment.

I live with a family of banana-hating freaks who won't eat that pie or delicious banana pudding or even banana bread. Hmmmph.

The pie looks good, though!

Amy said...

Ok, the cinnamon chips are what did it for me... :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Mmmm...that pie looks yummy...+ i love any kind of chocoloate, i'm not picky!

vibi said...

Mmmmmm... yummy, just totaly yummy looking, Katrina! WOW! creamy and all...

Anonymous said...

oooh i adore banana cream pie...and chocolate... and giveaways! i love this post haha

Kelly said...

I love chocolate! Especially in baking. Ifb recipes don't call for it I will still sometimes add it.

Max and Deborah said...

Okay so you know how I feel about bananas... remember when we were roomies, and you left bananas rotting on the counter, black warped stinky/ odorous banana smell. I would put a little note saying... YUCK!!!!

The good old days.

These fun molds look like you could do mini, polly dresses.(instead of a big barbie doll cake) My girls would love them. Especially since we are having a barbie party soon. Pick me, Pick me!!
Love ya no matter what!

Sarah Beck said...

Wow--I guess I'm the 51st comment and so I have a 1 in 51 chance of winning the awesome chocolate contest. Let me tell you, after the past couple of weeks of flood fight'n I could really use some chocolate :) PS your banana cream pie looks delish--I love cream pies! And I miss you guys and all of my friends in Lawrence!

Elyse said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I love that you're throwing in the cinnamon chips. I've only found them once--and man are they good. It was such a tease; I've been craving them ever since (but haven't been able to find them recently). Anyway, let's talk about how beautiful your pie looks. Um, really beautiful!! I love your piped whipped cream. Everything looks totally delicious!!

CindyD said...

Ooooh, all that chocolate looks wonderful!

Fallon said...

Never had a banana cream pie before but I'm thinking a chocolate ganache layer would of been delicious on top. Mmm

Gloria said...

That pie looks DELICIOUS - and so do these prizes!!


Elissa said...

I know I only post on your giveaways, but they are so good. We sure miss you guys, but I love keeping up with what is going on from the blog.

Emily said...

What a fun giveaway! I'm all about this.

Your pie looks great. I'm so craving banana cream pie from you twd gals.

Amanda said...

This look delicious! This pie was a hit at my house :)

Darius T. Williams said...

This is some good looking pie!

eatme_delicious said...

That pie looks delicious! And wow what a generous giveaway.

familywithfivekids said...

Thanks for the contest! Do you have a lot of people over? You make the most delicious desserts I would have to invite others over so I wouldn't eat every last bite.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your banana cream pie looks wonderful. I love the way you piped the whipped cream.

Eliana said...

I'm not a banana fan but your interpretation of this recipe. Oh - and thanks for offerring this sweet giveaway. I hope I win - I never win anything :)

cessc said...

Yay! I love cool giveaways especiall when they feature chocolate!

Chloe said...

What a great giveaway!! And, you're right I can never find those cinnamon chips/morsels!!


Mindy said...

Those look super fun!! And the banana cream pie was good, it was all I could do to keep myself from having seconds. thanks!

Deb said...

It really was good banana cream pie I can vouch for it. Thanks for inviting us over!

jennie said...

You've probably seen me lurking nearly daily. It's about time I reveal myself, huh?

I love, love, love the fact that you are a mom as I am. And I love that enjoy baking as I do!!

Anonymous said...

My crust did some weird stuff, too. I liked this, but I wish I had omitted the spices like you did. My husband is a Cool Whip addict!

Karen B said...

Ohhhhh, I'd just love to win this giveaway. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I just very recently discovered the world of Dorie Greenspan. I have a lot to learn.

Karen B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily N. said...

I love dark chocolate!

Carolyn G said...

Do you want to come over and make me a pie? That looks delish!!!!

Unknown said...

I had the same problem with my crust so I feel your pain! Your pie looks great anyway! Glad you liked it.

CB said...

Ooohh I am kinda obsessed with pops right now so I totally want that brownie pop pan! Fun giveaway! I hope I win :)
Clara @ iheartcuppycakes!

Celine said...

Your pie looks so good! You did a great job!
I LOVE dark chocolate.. hope I win the giveaway!!!

gluten free pammy said...

I make a mean banana cream pie too!!, your pictures are great, and I love your give away's, I have one coming up soon

Judy said...

Yumm. Love banana cream pie. Used to make it a lot when my boys were at home, cause it's a man-pleaser. Your photos make it look very appetizing.

Sarah said...

Oooh, that looks tasty. I've been studying in the UK since January (back to the US in a month, whee!) and they have something called Banoffee Pudding that is amaaaazing. I love banana desserts.

misswendy said...

OK, well, you know I have to answer this one because I LOVE dark chocolate. Tell Kevin and the kids to "pick me, pick me!!"

Seriously though, hope all is well in good ole Kansas.

Wendy O

Heidi said...

I really really need to make that pie, it looks fabulous!

Trudy Medrano said...

Banana Cream Pie . . . YUM!

Randi said...

omg, yummy. The crust looks great too. Btw, I do have an address in MI for your giveaway.

Louise said...

Banana Cream Pie, yummy. Right next to Banoffee Pie. Nice give away. I live maybe fifty miles from Hershey, so cinnamon chips are not an issue here. And, I just saw the Wilton's silicon molds at the grocery store. Cutters too. It seems like it would be a pain to pour brownies into the little molds, but I guess you could use a giant measuring cup to mix them so there's a nice pour spout.

Brooke said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I haven't seen cinnamon chips anywhere near me!

test it comm said...

That banana cream pie looks so good!

Anonymous said...

Your banana cream pie looks like a winner! I hear your slight frustration with the piecrust shrinking problem, but it did brown nicely. I have been making piecrust from scratch for over 40 years and still have a blooper every now and then. My husband is not so picky--he happily eats it anyway.


Unknown said...

Yum, I can see dark chocolate brownie pops with cinnamon chips in the future....

Steph said...

I think your pie looks great! Less crust = more filling to crust ratio!!

andrewsrock said...

90 flippin comments?!! you are so stinkin cool!!! I love it!

I'm a horrible commenter on blogs, I've had friends take me off their blog lists because they thought it was rude that I never commented. Apparently I'm not that good of a friend! sheesh!

You are so fun!! and you look beautiful!!!

Michelle said...

i can't believe you're moving!! let us know the details when you know...

...and it looks like i made it on here just in time to comment!! what fabulous prizes!

Annette said...

Your custard looks perfect! Mine, not so much. But I'm going to try again. The end result tasted good though!


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