Sunday, December 05, 2010

What do you think of this---just in time for your shopping, gift giving, or gift-giving-to-yourself enjoyment, CSN Stores is once again providing me with an opportunity to have another giveaway—for a $75 promotional gift code to shop any of their over 200 online stores.  You could get anything from leather messenger bags to pet supplies, furniture, holiday decor, or my favorite—cookware and bakeware.  They have millions of products, so the possibilities are endless.  I could spend all day just browsing their online shopping sites.  We are getting the boys a puppy for Christmas, so I’m on my way right now to go check out their pet supplies.  Since I’m giving the $75 to one lucky reader, you get to shop for free!

You’re welcome! ;)  Happy Holidays!  Thanks to CSN Stores for including me in their Preferred Blogger Program and allowing me to have this giveaway.

How could you win?  You can enter up to three times by doing the following-- 

1)  Tell me what the number one thing on your holiday wish list is in a comment here.

2) Go to CSN Stores Facebook Page and “Like” them.  Come back to the comments and tell me that you’ve done so.

3) Follow my blog on the Google Followers over on the right column of my blog.  Comment and tell me you’ve done so, or if you are already a follower, leave a comment telling me that.

Three separate comments for three entries.  You have until Friday, December 10, 2010, 10 p.m. MST to enter.  A winner will be chosen at random and will be notified by email, so be sure when you comment that I have an email address to contact you.  (This giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents only.)


Max and Deborah said...

Wow I am lucky number one!!! My wish list contains seriously nothing but Christmas for my children. I love seeing their expressions when opening up their favorite gift. I think I have been given a great gift. A unemployed husband getting a great job. That brings more happiness to my home than any cute outfit or baking pan or adorable coach purse. Though to actally follow the rules I think a Cricut would be pretty awesome!

Terri. said...

A new camera is first on my list. Mine broke :( I told Santa it had to be given to me Christmas eve so I would be able to take pictures of the punks on Christmas morning.

Gloria - The Ginger Snap Girl said...

I'm hoping Santa might bring some camera case and tripod.

Gloria - The Ginger Snap Girl said...

Hi Katrina, though I follow your blog through my favorites blog list on my blog...I have now officially become a google follower!

Gloria - The Ginger Snap Girl said...

CSN stores FB page has been "liked". Thanks for hosting a giveway!

Mimi said...

All I want for Christmas is... Seriously I don't have a list, but I have been thinking about getting a madeleine pan.

Mimi said...

I am a follower.

Lisa said...

Well, a job would definitely be nice. But, as for material objects, I want a curling iron.

Lisa said...

I'm most definitely following your blog.

Anonymous said...

The number one thing on my holiday wish list is an iRobot 610 Roomba Professional Series :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I Like CSN Stores on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Publicly following Baking And Boys! with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}]

Laura said...

A kindle (or eReader) tops my list. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

Rhea said...

My number one want for Christmas is a KitchenAid mixer. I hope Santa is good to me this year! :-) rdenee at

Caroline said...

a large mixing bowl!

cmerrey at gmail dot com

Jessie said...

A new laptop - ours is on its last leg. :( Thanks for the giveaway!

Lauren (PB&G) said...

Top of my list - some nice tall, fuzzy EMU boots. Some CSI dvds would be nice too!

Mindy said...

Katrina, I would love a visit from you and your family!

rachel said...

there is one thing that i would really like to get for christmas-- a food processor! i want to be able to make almond butter at home!

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

I am a Google follower.

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

The number one thing on my kitchen wish list is some new kitchen gadgets. Thanks for the chance!

Megan said...

A bigger kitchen!!! I NEED a bigger kitchen to put all my stuff away, But I know that's not gonna fit in Santa's sleigh, so I'll settle for a rice cooker. But where will I put it?

Megan said...

I "like" CSN on Facebook!

Megan said...

I'm a stalker, errr, I mean follower! I mean, really, you are one of the 5 best dessert blogs out there! ;)

Suburban prep said...

I would so love some yarn for a knitting project and I would also love a pair of leather boots.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

susitravl said...

A Cuisinart Food Processor (coincidentally from CSN) is on the top of my Christmas List this year.

susitravl said...

Like CSN on FB

Katrina said...

My big wish list item is a trunki for my daughter...I just love making her hapy.

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

All I want for Christmas is to be with my husband and kids. I love having them around.
If I were to win the CSN stores giveaway I know I'd find some material thing that I think I 'need'. :-)

meeyeehere said...

I want some fabulous grey boots!

meeyeehere said...

I like them on facebook as rachel carter crisman

meeyeehere said...

I am now a GFC follower of you too!

Our Great Joy said...

For Christmas I would like a flat iron for my hair.

Our Great Joy said...

I follow your blog!

Bonnie said...

I'm already a follower.

Bonnie said...

My number one thing on my wish list...a new cuisinart. Mine is over twenty years old.

LaDonna said...

My wish list consists of cake pans! Lots and lots of cake pans!

Twila said...

I do have a list, mostly made up of practical things, and I think the #1 thing would be a digital kitchen scale.


Chrissie said...

I'm hoping for warm sweaters to wear at work.

Shari said...

An iPad would be nice...realistically speaking though, a volunteer weekend babysitter?

Twila said...

I "like" CSN on facebook.

Twila said...

I follow you through google reader.

luke & sammy said...

I need a new house! The parents basement is getting old!

luke & sammy said...

I follow your blog!`

luke & sammy said...

I went on and "liked" them on facebook!

Mama Mouse said...

My number one Christmas item is a flip video camera -- preferably a waterproof version that can take the beating it will inevitably receive!

Mama Mouse said...

I follow this blog through Google. :) I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas.

Max and Deborah said...

I have officially became a follower, though I have followed you for a long time now. Money always takes people to do the extreme. It was soooo difficult.

Max and Deborah said...

to be number one, 49 and 50th comments!! I also liked CSN.
Love your blog!

Kirsty said...

For Christmas I want an iPod Nano.

Kirsty said...

I follow your blog on Google reader.

Amanda said...

Oooohhhh I need a new food processor SO bad! :)

Amanda said...

I follow you mama :)

Amanda said...

I liked CSN!

Anonymous said...

Kitchen Aid stand mixer!

Donna-FFW said...

I would like an overnight stay at the BorgATA in atlantic city..

Donna-FFW said...

I follow you:):)

Julie said...

A new camera!

Domestic Diva said...

I want a Vitamix blender.

Unknown said...

A new camera!

Unknown said...

I like CSN on facebook!

Unknown said...

I am a google follower

Brooke said...

We're moving this week and really need a coat rack for our new place :)

Brooke said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Brooke said...

I "like" CSN on Facebook.

Ashley said...

I want a kindle this year.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

I'm a gfc follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I am definitely hoping for a stovetop griddle!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I like CSN on FB

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I follow you on Google now as well..

Anonymous said...

I really want a non-nonstick pan so I can whisk away with a metal whisk!

Unknown said...

#1 thing on my wish list right now (realistically) is Joanne Chang's Flour cookbook. Unrealistically, I want a fancy new lens for my camera or a vacation :)

Unknown said...

I liked CSN Stores on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I already had you in my GR, but now I am officially following!

Jane said...

What I want most for Christmas is for both my boys to be able to come home on leave.

Jane said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

The only item on my Christmas list is the Tria Beauty laser hair removal system! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I like CSN Stores on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan said...

I want a kitchen scale

Susan said...

I like CSN Stores on FB

Susan said...

I follow on GFC

spike. said...

number #1 on my wish list is snow. but kitchen related it would have to be a new knife. All of mine are so dull and old

Colleen at Forty Something Bride said...

The one thing I want for Christmas - is a couple massage with my hubby. Time away together...ahhhh.

Colleen at Forty Something Bride said...

I liked CSN on Facebook.

Ally said...

A vacation!

MindyW said...

I am wishing for a really nice diaper bag - not very exciting, but I am about to have another kid and I have never been able to enjoy one of those really nice, functional bags that they make nowdays.

Karen said...

Number one wish is for a job, I have been out of work since April 2009, sadly.

Unknown said...

I really want an ipad!! US addresses are allowed, I assume?

Debbie said...

New kitchen knives! I know - it is exciting. Mine are so old and really need replacing.

Debbie said...

Liked CSN on fb - suburbsanity.

Liz said...

The #1 thing on my wishlist is a KitchenAid mixer!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

Liz said...

I like CSN on Facebook!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

Liz said...

I'm a follower!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

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