Saturday, August 02, 2008



Kevin thinks Sam's hair is getting way too long!  But it curls up so nicely.  I still just love it.  It is so fun sometimes in the morning. 


Pamela said...

Oh...he's so cute with all of those curls. And you know...once you cut it, the baby is gone! With that first haircut, suddenly they are little boys.

Anne said...

What a cute little guy! I agree with Pamela- everytime I cut my baby's hair he looks older and it makes me a little sad! :)

Tiffany Winters said...

I say keep it until it gets annoyingly long... it's definitely not to that point. He's too cute with those curls.

Michelle said...

can't wait to see his curls in person!

Anne Marie said...

Those curls are darling!