Thursday, May 06, 2010

Cookies-n-Cream Brownies Recipe


I kept way too many kitchen things and food storage instead of sending it on to Utah when my husband (and friend) drove most of our things to Utah last week.  The dining room is full of boxes and I can’t even get a lot of the things I’d like out of the boxes because there is nowhere to put them. 

I’m not complaining.  I know this housing situation is very temporary.  But in my efforts to use up some of the things I have (FOOD), I glanced down at one of the open boxes over the long, long internet-less weekend and saw a Betty Crocker brownie mix.  I know, some would never think of buying and especially using those mixes, but I keep them on hand.  My kids prefer the boxed brownies (oh what they still have to learn!).  Even more sad, Kevin told me a while back that all he sometimes wants is one of those plain boxed brownies.  SIGH!  Anyway, they are often on sale for $1 a box, so I do stock up when I see them.  Needless to say, I decided to whip up some of the brownies.  Also in my recent $1 shopping, I found bags of the mini Oreo cookies and Nutter Butters, Chips A Hoy (I won’t buy store bought chocolate chip cookies!), and Animal Crackers for $1. 

When I looked on the box of brownies for the simple instructions, add oil, eggs and water, blah, blah.  I saw one of Betty Crocker’s souped up recipes and they were for these Cookies 'n Creme Brownies.  I decided to make those instead of just the plain ones.  But I, of course, made some adjustments of my own.  The Betty Crocker recipe follows the same instructions for the boxed brownies and added 1 cup of cookie crumbs to the batter.  So I did that.  Really the only difference I made was that I made up my own frosting from scratch instead of using their suggested canned frosting (don’t buy that either).  You can check out the link to the Betty Crocker brownies, but here is the recipe as I made them.

Cookies-n-Cream Brownies, by Katrina adapted from Betty Crocker

1 box (1 lb. 2.3 oz) fudge brownie mix

1/4 cup water

2/3 cup canola oil

2 large eggs

1 cup crushed cream filled cookies (I prefer Oreos)

Vanilla Frosting (recipe to follow)

1/2 cup chopped cream filled cookies

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a 9x13 inch pan with tin foil so that the sides hang over the edges.  Spray lightly with cooking spray.  Set aside.

In a large bowl, combine the brownie mix, water, oil and eggs until well mixed.  Add the crushed cookie crumbs and stir to combine.  Spread the brownie batter in the prepared pan.  Bake 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out with just some crumbs on it.  Cool completely.  Chill the brownies in the refrigerator for a couple hours (This helps made for really fudgy brownies and makes cutting easier.)

To make the frosting, combine in bowl of electric mixer:

2 cups powdered sugar

1/2 stick (2 ounces) unsalted butter, softened

pinch salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons milk (add last and a little at a time while mixer is beating the other ingredients until desired consistency)

Spread the frosting over the chilled brownies.  Chop up enough cookies to sprinkle over the brownies.  Cut in to desired sized brownies.

*I prefer lining the baking pan with foil as the baked goods lift right out of the pan and never stick.


These taste just like a soft, fudgy Oreo cookies.  At first, Taylor didn’t even want one because he’s one of those plain brownie kind of guys, but he gave in and had a little bite.  I’m pretty sure he ended up eating more of these than any of the other boys.  (I also gave a bunch away.)  (Reynolds also makes a non-stick foil which I use most often.  That foil doesn’t even need to be sprayed with cooking spray.)


Speaking of Betty Crocker, I recently won a giveaway at Anne’s blog, Anne Strawberry for a $25 gift card to Safeway stores, a really nice stainless steel mixing bowl, a red mixing spoon and hot pad from Betty Crocker.  Thanks Anne and MyBlogSpark!


  1. Those looks so good. My hubby loves Oreos. I have some brownie mix that I need to use up - I'll give these a try.

  2. A lot of good things can come from a base mix. These brownies look insanely good!

  3. My husband and daughter prefer the Betty Crocker brownies to homemade also!

  4. Congrats on winning a giveaway! Isn't free stuff fun?

    Those brownies look so chocolatey good.

  5. Yum, these look delicious!! My neighbor loves cookies n cream anything so I'll have to bake these for her.

  6. Ive made these before using the premade frosting.. my children devour these.. one of their favorites.. Best wishes with the move.. I know how very stressful it can be.

  7. They look great! I always stock up on those brownie mixes too when they are on sale. And don't worry, you aren't the only one that has a husband that says sometimes he just wants "normal" desserts. BAHAHA They don't know how good they have it!!

  8. These look delicious. I'm going to make them, though homemade. I'm a little crazy that way, seems I like doing the extra work :P

  9. Oreos on top of brownies? What's not to like!

  10. Sometimes those boxed mixes DO come in pretty handy!!!!

  11. Yum yum. Who the heck cares if you used a mix? These look great! I want one.
