Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Banana Graham Crackers with Peanut Butter--and Has Spring Sprung?

Taylor had snack for preschool again today.  I try to have fun with this.  I whipped up my recent homemade graham crackers, but with a twist.  I had some very ripe bananas to use up, so I thought I'd just mash them up and see what they'd be like.  I was really just worried that they would be too soft and not crunchy like a graham cracker.  But they actually turned out great.  The banana taste is a little subtle, but noticeable and kicking them up with peanut butter spread on top, not to mention a banana slice and chocolate chip--my idea of food heaven! ; )

See---how cute are these?


Taylor helped me put a little dab of peanut butter on the chocolate chip to make sure they stuck to the banana.  These were great and pretty simple to make!

Banana Graham Crackers

1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour (I used white whole wheat flour this time)

2 cups graham flour (whole wheat is fine)

1/4 cup evaporated cane juice sugar (regular sugar is fine)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 cup cold butter, cut into pieces

2 tablespoons honey

1 tablespoon molasses

1/4 cup water (may need a little more--I used another tablespoonful)---omitted the water for these

2 small-medium bananas, very ripe, mashed

In bowl of food processor, combine flours, sugar, salt, baking powder and cinnamon.  Pulse a few times.  Add the cold butter and pulse until texture is dry and crumbly.

In a separate bowl, mix together the honey, molasses and mashed banana.  Add to food processor and blend together until it forms a ball.  Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for one hour.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Roll the dough out on a well floured surface, or between wax paper.   Roll the dough out pretty thin and cut with cookie cutters or cut into rectangles.  Make fork marks in the dough.  Transfer to baking sheets lined with parchment paper (that's what I use, just a baking sheet would work fine).  You could sprinkle these with sugar or cinnamon/sugar before baking.   

Bake for 12-13 minutes until golden and crisp.


You know you want one!


Yesterday it was a gorgeous day, about 60 degrees.  Today--even better, probably closer to 70.  "Hello, winter?  Are you there?  No, okay--BYE!"

We have a huge driveway, after school the kids had just about every inch of it covered in chalk drawings.  We blew bubbles, too.  In the afternoon, our driveway is shaded by the house, so it was a bit cooler than farther out in the sun.  So Taylor and Sam have jackets on.  Today--no pictures, but no jackets, no long sleeves, it was beautiful!  The sad part about all this--tomorrow is supposed to be a high of about 40 (if we're lucky!) and yucky, rainy all day.  Sigh.


No pictures of Scott and Parker, who did most of the drawing, they were off on their bikes every time I tried to snap a shot of them.


Can't believe this little guy will be two in a few weeks!


Taylor thought it was funny to color his face with blue chalk.


Happy Springing!


  1. Awww, I love sidewalk chalk. Such a great nice-day activity!! And these snacks are just precious. Makes me wish grown-ups had snack time, too! (My snack time consists of sneaking goodies, usually :)

  2. It was 73 here today - so I know what you mean about spring "springing"! Did that come out right? Spring has sprung, as least here it has!

  3. I love PB and banana together. I used to eat PB, banana, and honey sandwiches all the time! This treat looks yummy!

  4. Those are so cute...the snacks and the pics of the boys! You are so clever!

  5. OMG these are so great, so cute! I love, love, love them.

  6. Those are the cutest little snacks! I would be one happy preschooler if that was the snack being passed out! I'm definitely trying this recipe soon. Thanks!

  7. What a nice snack for kiddies. It's a lot healthier than cupcakes. I think I have the same graham cracker recipe, and I've been wanting to make them, but just haven't gotten to them yet. I researched and the graham flour doesn't seem to be a necessity, so I'm planning on using white whole wheat, don't have any regular whole wheat. Any way, Katrina, you have the bestest desserts. Wish I lived near to snitch some.

  8. Those are perfectly cute! You did such a good job putting the pb on that it looks like you cut out the pb with the flower cookie cutter!

  9. first of all, how adorable with the little graham cookies and bananas... chocolate, peanut butter and banana has to be the best stuff ever.... and to make them as adorable as you did, I bet the other moms are feeling a little uncreative about now. SO cute!

  10. those Banana Graham Crackers look SO delicious! i do want one now!! also, i have always wanted to make my own graham crackers... perfect!

    i am not sure if i ever commented on your blog but i love it and been following it for quite sometime! i recently started one, though have not quite found my niche, but i am plugging along. and i wanted to let you know your blog has been on my blogroll since the beginning. =)

  11. i totally suck and posted the wrong site address for my blog, not like it is a big deal 'cause you could click on my name but it is

  12. You are correct, I do want one! The children look quite happy and energized, probably from those rockin banana graham crackers!

  13. So much fun to write in the street! I would have played with your kids if I was there! Last week we also had beautiful 70ºs days here but sadly they're gone now :(! Love the idea of the banana in the graham crackers! Just posted mine and linked back to your recipe, was feeling lazy to copy and paste it ;)!

  14. I wish I had these for a snack. The look scrumptious!
